Chapter 14- The best fire on the goddamn planet

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Raven's pov

After getting changed out of the nastiest clothes I've ever had the displeasure of wearing, I promptly passed out. Not my shiniest moment, but what can you do? The chakra exhausted-- I suppose that's what you call that utter bullshit-- crept up on me like a lion creeps up on its prey. Quiet, crouched, and ready to take me down. I stood no chance against its fearsome claws. I closed my eyes a second too long, my guard down, and it took its chance. It-

"Your poetry is admirable, but you're being a... ah, what do you call it? Yes, a 'dramatic ass bitch', I believe." Kuro said, sounding incredibly smug. I groaned, cracking my eyes open. It was already dark out. 

"Wow, that was rude. Can't you see she's suffering?" Igneous gasped, offended on my behalf. I'm honestly flattered. Still, my sleep schedule is fucked sideways six ways to sunday, and what do I have to show for it? Jack and shit. I feel like I just got run over by a platoon of horses that weigh more than my life is worth. Do you know how that feels? Yeah, pretty shitty. Igneous wasn't done, however. "By the way, Kakashi has been standing in the darkest corner of your bedroom for like, half an hour."

"He WHAT?!" I shot up at what one might expect the speed of light to be, my head whipping towards the high concentration of shadows in the corner. And sure enough, Kakashi was staring at me. His silver hair glinted in the dim lighting, and he was holding a book. I squinted, my vision adjusting. Having Kuro has always allowed me to see better in the dark, but even I can barely read the title. Parenting, or something?

"Ah, so you're awake." Kakashi closed the book all casual like, as though he weren't a total creeper. "Do you need a hospital?" 

"Uh, no. I need the police. I'm like, 90% sure you're a pedophile, and you watching me sleep? Not helping your case, man!" I gave it to him straight, pulling my blankets closest to me as though they'd protect me. I can take a bitch out while I'm asleep, but I'm a wuss away. Worse case scenario, I rip his throat out with my teeth and make a run for it. Or vomit fire on him in a panic. Or, even better, turn my knee caps to metal and make sure he can never have children.

"Eh? I wasn't watching you sleep!" Kakashi exclaimed. I stared at him. He's not serious, is he? Oh, god, who adopted me, and why did anyone think it was okay? If someone could please... what's the proper term? Ah, yes. Throw me off the fucking roof, please, that would be great.

"Then why were you in the darkest corner of my room?" I asked. He paused. No answer. Right, just as I expected. Well, that's just great. He's an unaware pedophile. Just what I needed in my life!

"...Yeah, I'm betting on pedophile." I decided. He gave me a flat glare.

"Ah. We can't start experimenting with the pills yet." Kuro's voice randomly rang out in my head. It's something I'll never get used to. Just because you know someone or something is there doesn't mean you expect them to speak! Jesus fuck, these demons are trying to give me a heart attack. Which vaguely makes sense, seeing as they're... well, they're demons. And giving people heart attacks seems like a demonic thing to do.

"Wait, why?" I blurted out in my slight moment of weakness, and Kakashi's expression melted into one of confusion beneath his mask. I almost slapped myself, but Kuro abuses me enough as it is, and Igneous is most o the time no help in that aspect.

"Why what?" Kakashi questioned, seeming concerned. He opened his book so he was in the middle, and then began to flip pages. I stifled a scream, my eyes wide and my mouth stretched into the fakest, deadest smile as I mentally hated on myself.

"Idiot." Igneous snorted. There it is. The abuse I was talking about. I can't even call CPS! What are they going to do? Remove me from the household? I AM the household! 

"Like you're one to talk, Igneous." Kuro snorted. "And I've worked it out in my head, and I have reason to believe we don't have enough ingredients to make any headway."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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