Chapter 10- Nara

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Raven's pov

"Hey, Granny Momo. Do you know where I can get deer antlers?" I questioned as I walked up to her porch. Today was cooler than last, which is saying something for me because I have like, fire sitting in the pit of my stomach. Or something like that... I'm actually not too sure how it works. Granny Momo looked up from the scarf she was knitting. 

"The kind you get from a buck?" She checked. I nodded. "Try the Nara Clan's compound. They have deer in their forests that have antlers holding amazing medicinal properties." 

"Thank you!" I was running down the street before I knew it, but then I stopped myself, backpedaling immediately. Why am I such an idiot? God dammit. I always do shit like this, and it makes me look like even more of an idiot. "Uh... yeah, where's the Nara compound?"

She chuckled at me. "Keep going straight, and then you'll take your second right That path is going to take you straight to them. You can't miss it." She said. I gave a nod of thanks. I don't know how this poor woman puts up with me. It's sort of amazing, if I'm being honest. 

I ran off, but not too fast. I didn't want to crash and burn along with some unsuspecting stranger. If I tried to borrow some of Kuro's speed, and then I accidentally tripped? Yeah, I'd go flying like a damn rocket, and probably kill one or two people in the process. 

I made it there in no time flat. It's a big compound, but not as big as the one back home. I sighed and shook away the bad memories as I trudged towards the nearest building. There are plenty scattered around, but the biggest one is probably where I can find the main family. I knocked on the door.

I could hear shuffling inside, and then footsteps. I waited patiently as the door opened to reveal a tall woman with black hair pulled into a low ponytail. Her eyes were charcoal black, and she was pretty. I offered a polite smile as she blinked down at me. "Ah, hello dear! Do you need something?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Raven! I'm actually new to Konoha, and I heard I could obtain buck antlers from you." I smiled brightly. You've got to pull out your most innocent and polite side to get free shit, which is exactly what I'm doing. It's working too. I think-

"We can definitely help you with that! Come on in." She stepped back, offering me an opening.

"Are you sure I'm not intruding?" I checked. I don't want to bother these people too much. If I don't get my deer antlers, it isn't the end of the world. At least, not for me. Kuro might argue. He loves making things, and once he gets an idea, canceling on it doesn't go over well.

"I insist." She said, and so I stepped in. I looked around. The entryway opens into a cozy living room. It's more open than Kakashi's house. I prefer Kakashi's home, I think. It's more snug. The bigger the building, the harder it is to defend. 

"Are you in the ninja academy?" The woman asked.

"Ah, yes. I actually started yesterday." I recalled with a smile. She seemed to light up in a way that made me tense, her eyes shining. I felt myself panic slightly. I've seen this look before. I don't know where, but I know I should be worried.

"Really? Have you met my son, Shikamaru?" She asked, sounding excited. I thought about it.

"Ah... is it the boy with the spikey ponytail? He sleeps all the time or stares out a window?" I asked. Her cheer deflated along with her body, which slouched as she let out a sigh.

"That'd be him." She said. She perked up again. "Oh, how rude of me! I'm Yoshino Nara!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." I gave a small bow and then pulled a compliment out of my ass for extra measure. "I really like your hair."

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