Hair travesty

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|From boys to babies|

Chapter 15-Hair travesty

Sorry for updating at this awkward time lol. I did press the publish button yesterday before I went to bed but somehow this didn't get published :P So here it is.

Avi's POV

"I never knew you had so much fur Smoky." I said to no one in particular as I stroked my pet who was munching into the basket of fish I had provided. His golden wingtips fluttered like a butterfly and he rumbled softly whist nuzzling my hand.

"You want a haircut Smoke?" I asked quirking a smile as he pushed my hand closer to his back with his nose agreeing. Hmm I had never cut the fur of a dragon before-

Wait. Hold up.

Dragons have no fur.

Then why is my surroundings so fluffy?

"Wak up Awwii!!!" A familiar girly shrilly cry woke me up from my puzzling dream.


"Kirst?" I rubbled hoarsely as I rubbed my blurry eyes and started at the girl lying on my stomach. She crawled over me again and bounced off the bed.

"Hii Awiii! Yu like me hair?" she asked as I felt her staring at me and heard her giggling madly.

"Yeah yeah that's nice Kitty." I muttered tiredly as I flipped over not looking at her and reaching out behind to tame the mess which was my hair before I went back to sleep again.

It's been a while since I had slept so peacefully. Ever since the incident with Kirstie getting kidnapped and Jeremy almost dying, I had been going through the day with less than 5 hours of slumber.

And little sleep plus hella load of stress makes an angry Kaplan. So maybe I could sneak in a little more minutes of sleep.

But as usual. Every since Day one where Alex got the kids to wake me up, I hadn't had much luck.

"Now please let me go back t-OH FUC-HOLY SHIT?"

I leaped out of my bed and almost fell flat on my face the moment I felt my glorious hair.

Or what was left of it.

I snatched the nearest mirror off my side table and stared into it.

I stared and stared.

And stared some more.

My eyes whipped to Kirstie and I almost had a heart attack there and then. In her hand was a pair of razor sharp scissors. I put two and two together.

And then lost all dignity and screamed in utter unimaginable horror.

"Oh MY GOD!"

Downstairs- Darien's POV 10.45am

"So you turn the red here to the right and shift down the yellow to form this cross her-"

"Oh MY GOD!"

Avi's cry of shock mixed with a tinge of anger rang through the house. I heard a crash and another wordless howl of emotions which jolted me to my feet immediately. Beside me, Kevin dropped the Rubix cube in his hands and Scömìche on the sofa gave a little jump. Scott quirked his invisible eyebrows and pointed to the stairwell.

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