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|From boys to babies|

Chapter 20- Attento


This chapter was mostly inspired by one of Superfruit_IsLife's chapters from her first 'The Alpha and the Omega' book. I'm pretty sure it was Chapter 50 or 60++ of TAATO. I really tried to find the exact chapter but holy shït is there a lot lol XD But I know its the part where Kevin was doing some sort of test on Avi and Scott to see how they would react when their Omegas got hurt.

You are not worthy to be called a Pentaholic if you had not read her books. Seriously man. She is the queen of the Pentaholics here on WP!

I just wanted to say it here even though she'll probably never see it lol. Her feed must be like blowing up with all the stories that she had been writing xD

And also I want to thank Daisy xxscomicheshipperxx for being such an inspiration to us all. She was the main reason why this chapter is up. Seriously, if any of you are having a writers block just PM her. She helps to un-block it xD

Avi's POV-10.45am

So the next day, before we could be discharged, the doctors wanted to do a little 'experiment' with us. I presumed that it was just me and Jeremy since we were the patients but turns out that there was a little twist to it.

You should have seen Jeremy's face turn in a sheet of white when they said that he was involved too and the relief on my face when I realized that I wasn't.

I had explained to Alex about the incident with Jeremy and he fully understood it 100%.

"Remind me never to get on his bad side." He had said.

I just didn't mention that Alex had already been on his bad side, twice.

But who needed to know that right?

The Doctors had also been notified on Jeremy's unintentional actions which landed us into the hospital.

And looking at the situation now understanding, I could feel that this 'test' wasn't going to be all smooth sailing.

This was a bad idea. A really really bad idea.

But it had to be done.

The two doctors was already in the room. They stood on each side of the long mattress that spread along the floor as they waved for Darien and I to enter with the children. With a sigh, I lead Scott in whist my brother-in-law did the same for Kirstie. Esther went out to buy lunch for all of us and told us that she would be back later.

I'll blame it on the doctor if it got out of hand.

The oblivious Alex and Jeremy was placed at the end of the padded children's room.

"Ok so you two need to run as fast as you can to your daddys over there ok?" Doctor Lester had instructed as he closed the door bringing the two toddlers up onto the soft mattress.

"And GO!"

A running test. Ok how bad will that go?

With an excited squeal, Scott took off, followed closely by Kirstie. The spongy mat sank with each of their steps and almost caused the girl, with shorter legs, to fall over as she ran unsteadily to Jeremy. Visibly, we could see that Scott had some troubles too but his longer limbs made up for it and he was at least two feet infront of Kirstie.

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