Makeover Part 1

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Chapter 4


Callie had been growing more and closer to Jack. She had let him in and she had become his friend.

 Jack wanted to be friends with Callie and Callie didn’t want to be friends anymore. she didn’t know when or how it happened but she had started liking him, a lot. She knew he felt nothing towards her but she was pretty much in love with him.

Every time he smiled at her, her heart was just about ready to explode and every time they touched her felt sparks. She had to stop herself from staring at him.

Alex had slowly warmed to her and she got along with a lot of the guys now and especially the girls, she felt as though she had been accepted into their little group and she liked it. She liked feeling like she had someone she can count on. When she was upset she could call Jack and when she was upset with Jack she could call Cass or Lisa.

She was going to meet Jack at the Mall, they were going to go and get lunch together. She put on a pair of straight leg jeans and a baggy t-shirt with a black cardigan and then put on some trainers and went to meet Jack.

“You really don’t have the best dress sense do you?” Jack asked laughing, once they had sat down at a table.

“Shut up” she kicked him lightly under the table not enough to hurt him. “I’ve never cared about what I wore” she shrugged.

“Why don’t we go shopping” Jack said excitedly.

“I don’t know. Besides its hardly like you’re about to go down a catwalk, you’re no Gok Wan.”

“Who is Gok Wan?” Jack asked confused.

“That is irrelevant; I don’t think it is a good idea.”

“I think it is an amazing idea!” Jack huffed. “Please we can have a girls day and buy you a whole new wardrobe and throw out all of your horrible stuff, I can call Cass and Lisa and they can do your make up and then we can go out with your new makeover. Oh and we can even go get your hair styled all funky!”

“My parents might not be happy…”

“Screw them” Jack tried putting on puppy eyes.

“You’re lucky I have my dad’s credit card” Callie pulled out the card from her bag grinning and Jack looked at it in awe estimating the amount of money it most likely held.

“Let’s go shopping” she agreed. 


“I have agreed to half of the things you have wanted to buy me, I have gone in countless of changing rooms and even Victoria secret with you. This I refuse!”

“Go” Jack pointed at the hairdressers and crossed his arms.

“But my hair” she whined.


“You can have anything you want done with your hair – anything!”


Jack had gone off to another shop and the hair dresser was looking at her hair, trying to decide what to do with it.

“I think you would look really good with lilac purple” the hair dresser said. “It would go on really nice because of your natural blonde hair, it wouldn’t be drastic and it would really suite you!”



“It’s so pretty” Jack Squealed when she came out.

“I really love it! It had inspired me to do something else that I have always wanted to do.”

“Let’s go do it then” Jack said.

“I already did, I went before I texted you, I got out the hair dressers about an hour ago” she giggled.

“What did you do?” Jack asked confused.

Callie stuck her tongue out to show him her new tongue piercing. Jack gasped.

“Oh my god!”

“Do you not like it?” Callie asked disappointed.

“I love it! It’s a complete turn on.”

“Thanks” Callie blushed.

“I brought you a load of make up when you were in the hair dressers so we have now got everything! I also called Cass and Lisa and they are going to be at your house when we get back.”


“Are you not coming in?” Callie asked Jack when they pulled up outside her house.

“I need to go get ready for tonight” Jack winked.

“Thank you for today” Called smiled shyly, she kissed Jack on the cheek and got out the car, not looking back to see his reaction.

Callie walked into the house, thankfully her parents were on yet another business trip and up to her room where Cass and Lisa were. They squealed when they saw her.

“You look awesome!” Lisa told her.

“We just need to get you out of them clothes now” Cass agreed.

“We already took the liberty of throwing out all of your old clothes” Lisa giggled.

“All?” Callie squeaked.

“Well we were going to keep anything that was nice but erm…” Cass trailed off.

“You have tons of bags though, I’m sure we are going to fill your wardrobe up.

“Me and Jack did go a little overboard, I think all this could fill up two wardrobes!”

“Not two of your wardrobes, I’m so jealous of this” Lisa walked into her big walk in wardrobe that was now bear.

Cass and Lisa had approved of everything that Jack and Callie had brought, they inspected each item as they refilled up her wardrobe.

“I think you should where, this with these tonight” Cassadee picked out a small black dress and high heeled ankle boots.

“I don’t know the dress is really tight” Callie said wide eyed.

“Why did you buy it?” Lisa asked.

“Jack wanted me to, he insisted.”

“Thought so, go put it on!”

Callie did as she was told and came back out with the dress and heels on. The dress was black and left nothing to the imagination, it finished mid-thigh and clung to her figure well.

“You look amazing” Lisa said, her jaw dropping.

“You have such an amazing figure” Cassadee commented jealously looking at Callie’s hour glass figure.

“No offence but who fucking knew you were actually smoking hot!” Lisa added.

Lisa and Cassadee complimented her all night whilst getting ready and putting her make up on, they left Callie’s make up minimal, putting a brush of mascara on, some concealer and eye liner on her waterline. Callie didn’t know how to take all the compliments they were feeding her, so she just replied thank you with a blush each time.

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