Makeover Part 2

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Chapter 14

Callie was dressed in a skin tight black dress that showed every one of her curves. Her Smokey eyes and make up were done to perfection. Her heels were killer. She was ready for her night with Dan, and you me at six but mostly Dan. She had put all this effort in for him and she didn’t even like him that much, he was a distraction. She puffed her wavy hair out one last time and she was done.

“You look breath taking.”

Callie turned around to see Jack leaning against the bunks.

“What do you want Jack?” Callie sighed.


Callie’s draw dropped, did she hear him right, and was he being serious?

“You had your chance” Callie laughed bitterly.

“I want you Callie” Jack said sincerely.

Callie groaned in frustrated,

“You can’t do this to me!” she shrieked at him.

“I know I’ve been unfair but I think I love you too Callie. I think I have always loved you but you know what I am like; I don’t know a good thing until it is gone.”

“I gave up a lot for you, just for you to throw it right back in my face – I made some stupid regrettable deal with my parents, I practically flunked job after job interviews, I changed myself!”

“What deal?” Jack asked confused.

“I made an agreement with my mother that once warped tour had finished I would go home, accept this job at the law firm and I will date my father’s partner’s son…”

“What?! Why did you ever agree to that?”

“Because it meant spending my entire summer with you” Callie whispered.

“Oh Cal” Jack hugged her.

“Whatever, I need to go” Callie straightened herself up.

“This isn’t you” Jack told her. “The dress, the heels, the makeup, it’s not the Callie I know.”

“No it’s just the one you made me into” Callie hissed.

“I deserved that” Jack mumbled. “Run away with me Callie” Jack pleaded out of the blue.

“What? Are you crazy?”

“No, I’m not. You don’t need to become a lawyer and live this horrible life, that isn’t you. I can love you I swear, you can fix me!”

“Fix you? That is what I have been doing all along, fixing you?”

“No that came out wrong” Jack groaned.

“I think it came out perfected” Callie snapped.

“I thought I had forgotten how to love someone, you showed me how to fall in love again Calista.”

“Oh…” Callie was at a loss for words.

“All this time I thought I was the one fixing you, changing you into this awesome person but you didn’t need to be changed, you didn’t need fixing – you were – are - perfect the way you are. I was the one that needed fixing, not you” Jack cupped her cheek.

Callie leaned into his hand.

“Do you still love me?” Jack asked her vulnerably.

“Of course I do, stupid” Callie laughed with tears in her eyes.

“Good because I am in love with you!” Jack kissed her softly on the lips.

“It isn’t this simple Jack, this isn’t some love story where everything turns out right” Callie pulled away.

“Why can’t it be?” Jack asked her.

“I don’t know…”

“Exactly, this can be so simple Callie, me and you, you and me. We are the ones making this difficult.”

“Okay” Callie locked lips with him again.

“So Callie” Jack got down on one knee, Callie was all for the simple thing but if he was about to propose she was going to slap him – hard.

“Will you do me the honours, of running away with me?” Jack asked with a cheeky grin.

“Of course I will” Callie giggled. '

“Well it’s not exactly moving away, it’s just moving a few blocks away” Jack laughed; Callie shook her head but laughed too.

“Just kiss me you big idiot.”

“I want to do something first” Jack ran off and came back seconds later.

He had a makeup wipe, he carefully wiped off Callie’s entire make up, he then got a band and put Callie’s hair in a messy bun. Then finally he bent down and took her heels off and put her glassed on.

“Now you are perfect” Jack told her sweetly.

“What about the dress?”

“I have no objection to you taking that off” Jack winked.


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