The Deal

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Chapter 7

“Please please please you have to let me go!” Callie begged her parents.

“No Calista, especially not after today! You need a job as a lawyer – something we paid good money for you to get a degree in, not as some slutty sales assistant at a festival” her mother replied.

“It isn’t a slutty sales assistant, it is a merch girl. I know that I clearly didn’t get that job but I did get another one and it pays just like any other job. It will give me a chance to save up and experience things more before I am tied down to a job as a lawyer!”

“I don’t care, you don’t need to experience anything. I have given you long enough now to have your fun, it is time to buckle down-.”

“I don’t want to buckle down” Callie let out frustrated. “I want to have fun when I still can!”

“Is this what this is all about” her mother motioned to her up and down. “The atrocious hair, the vile tongue piercing – all the new clothes? This is all about having fun?”

“No…yes. I just want to live my life!”

“You can live your life just fine without all this nonsense. You are no longer a child anymore Calista. You cannot waste your time drawing silly paintings or listening to that god awful music. you need to live in the real world!”

“I am living in the real world mother!” Callie spat.

“You clearly aren’t, you don’t know what you need for yourself-.”

“And I suppose you do!”

“Yes, you need to get a job and then find yourself an appropriate gentleman that me and your father approve of, who will have enough money for the both of you. so then you can retire and have children and take on a responsibility as a mother!”

“That isn’t what I want!” Callie shrieked.

“You fathers business partner has a lovely son, he is handsome and he is intrigued by you, he comes from money and is already high up in his father’s business.”

“I don’t care!”

“Of course you don’t because you still act like a child!”

“Please dad, please let me go. I promise I will come back and I will go to dinner with this boy and I will apply for every lawyer job going. Please just let me have this one last time to have fun and not worry about anything but me for a while!” Callie turned to her dad seeing her mother was adamant.

“Okay” her father paused for a very long time before answering this.

“Okay? It is not okay” her mother cried out.

“Thank you daddy” Callie grinned.

“You cannot possibly agree to this” her mother shrieked.

“Let the girl have her fun, you heard her, she said she will get a job and settle afterwards. It is only a few months” her father reasoned with her mother.

“I will!” Callie reassured them.

“I don’t like this!”

“Oh mother, you have never had any fun in your entire life, of course you won’t like it” Callie replied bitterly, her father tried to hold back a laugh.

“I will make a deal with you” her father spoke again.

“You can go on this little trip and when you come back you will have a job waiting for you. Believe it or not you got the job today, it took a little talking into but the manager agreed that everyone gets ill, it was just unfortunate at an interview. So when you come back you will go to this new job, you will go to dinner with this eligible young man and you will do everything as planned.”

“Okay” Callie agreed quietly.

“Then it is sorted. You both have your way” her father said happily.

“I still don’t like it” her mother grumbled.

“I’m not exactly thrilled with the end terms myself mother, I feel like I have just sold my soul.”

“Stop with the dramatics” her mother hissed.

“I am going to pack, it appears I have got a new job” Callie smiled at the thought.

She ran upstairs and texted the girls she could come, they were delighted of course.

Callie had decided not to tell them the terms in which her parents agreed to the trip. They probably would never let her come. Callie was going to enjoy the time she had left. They left in one week.

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