Love is a funny thing

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Chapter 8

“Why have you been ignoring me?” Jack asked Callie pouting.

“I haven’t been ignoring you” Callie lied.

“Yes you have” Jack accused.

“Coming from the man who couldn’t even look me in the eye in a club less than two days ago” Callie grumbled.

“That’s a lie, I could look at you!”

“No you couldn’t and when you did, you looked at me disgustedly, like you could not bear the sight of me” Callie sniffed.

“I’m sorry” Jack hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I guess it is going to take a lot more to get used to, this make over. But you look beautiful” he complimented.

“Please don’t call me beautiful” Callie mumbled her eyes watering.

“I thought we had been through this Cal, learn to take a few more compliments” Jack winked.

“It’s not because of that…”

“Then why?” Jack asked, confusion written all over his face.

“Because every time you compliment me and every time you hug me or touch me my walls slowly fall down and my hope replaces it.”

“What hope?” Jack knew what she was getting at but he didn’t know how to react.

“My hope that you will fall in love with me like some romantic movie” as Callie said the words she knew how stupid she sounded, she knew how pathetic she looked but it was now or never.

“Oh” Jack said.

“I am in love with you Jack.”

Jack didn’t know what to say, so he said nothing. He just stood there staring at her. He wasn’t ready for this and this isn’t what he wanted. Love freaked him out and sent him running for the hills. He wasn’t built to love or to be loved. His was built for meaningless sex, something that Callie deserved so much more than. He couldn’t love her like she wanted him to but he also couldn’t admit that. So he just stood there.

Callie looked at him waiting for an answer, waiting for anything. A tear slid down her cheek as she realised she was getting none. So she walked away from him. Her heart wasn’t in two, it didn’t break. It shattered. It was in a tiny million little pieces on the floor. Jack was her first love and now he was her first heart break. 

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