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Felix's POV:

I rushed to the airport.

"When is the next flight to Sweden?" I demanded at the counter.

"2:30" the lady said. Why are all the times so late?! I didnt argue. I sighed and walked away to the chairs. I pulled out my phone.

(Marzia's POV)

I arrived in Sweden. Time to surprise Felix.

I took the bus to Felix's house. Finally getting there, I took a deep breath and walked up the steps. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. I saw 2 people.

"Are you Marzia?" One of them asked.

"Y-yes. Is Felix there?" I asked.

"No, he went to go see you!" said the other one. "We're his parents." It took me a while to realize what happened. Felix went to Italy and I went to Sweden.

"Well... You're welcome to stay until he comes back." They opened the door and

let me come in. They gave me food and talked to me. This wasnt really that bad, his parents are really nice! Then I nearly choked on my food. If Felix went to Italy and my mom and Nicholas hates me.. then.. Oh no. Then I sent him a text.

(Felix's POV)

My phone buzzed. I got a text from Marzia:

Felix! Are you okay in Italy? I had no idea you were coming. Im sorry about my mom and Nicholas or anyone else!

I replied to her:

Well, I got punched in the face, screamed at, threatened, and blamed. So not really. But I came here for you and I don't regret it... How are you in Sweden?

And she texted back:

Its really cold, but your parents are so nice and they talked to me and gave me food ^_^ But again, im so sorry that my family is horrible >.

"I will Marzia" I pressed the send button and put my phone away.

Felix's POV

I hopped on the plane, tired of buying all these tickets just to reach Marzia. But im not mad yet and i don't regret it. I slept for a bit and finally arrived in Sweden. I wasnt happy, nor was i mad/sad. I was just tired and i wanted to see Marzia. As I was walking, two girls stopped me.

"You're PewDie! I love you so much! Can we get your autograph?!" one of them asked. Im famous? O.o . I faked a smile to hide my tiredness and signed their notebooks. I said bye to them and started walking again, carrying my luggage, which kept getting heavier and heavier.

Suddenly the girls came back to me.

"Do you need help with that? We're happy to help!" Said the girls. Maybe I did need a little help.

"Sure. Im just really tired." I handed them the luggage. "My house is over- Wait where are you going?! Its the other way!" I yelled. The girls giggled and ran away with my luggage. Then I heard footsteps and a voice.

"Felix!" yelled Marzia running towards me.

"Marzia! I- um, hold on!" I ran in the other direction after the girls. "COME BACK HERE!" I screamed.

(Marzia's pov)

Why is he running away from me? Did I do something? I tried to follow where he went but i decided to turn back around, and he didnt come back. I went back to his house and told his parents that I would be leaving back to Italy. I grabbed my luggage and went out the door.

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