Ch. 3

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(Marzia's POV)

I went outside to walk Maya. It felt so lonely walking her alone. "Today was the day" I kept repeating in my mind, nervous. What if he thinks im not good looking, or he was expecting a better looking girl? Should I just make an excuse that I can't Skype today? Ugh, I should just do it and face my shyness. Should I make myself look good before I Skype him? No! He'll think im trying too hard to look good and think I have no natural beauty. Okay, maybe ill just make my hair look neat and wear only a little bit makeup and thats it.

Then I realized that i daydreamed too long and Maya was lost.

"Maya!" I called. After a while, I saw her running back to me.

"Phew," I sighed. I put her leash back on and walked inside to take a nap...again

(Felix's pov)

"Ynk, bark if Marzia will be beautiful, and roll over if she isn't." I said to my dog. He just wagged his tail and walked out of my room. I sighed. It was hopeless. Ynk doesnt understand me, nobody does! I never felt this way about a person online. I never even felt this way about anyone in real life! What if she thinks im ugly?! Whenever I explain this to my parents they tell me i shouldn't talk to strangers over the Internet, but I feel close to Marzia already even though i knew her for only 3 months. She was always shy to show me a picture of her, but so was i... I just hope she looks like who I imagined, if not better.

Then, it was time. I logged onto Skype, holding Ynk. I called Marzia. And prepared for who I was gonna see.

(Marzia's POV)

I picked up maya, and set her on my lap. Then I received a call from Felix on Skype. I took a deep breath. "Get ready, maya." I said. I clicked "Answer."

(Felix's POV)

I leaned back into my chair, holding Ynk. A beautiful face appeared on the screen with an adorable pug next to it. She smiled and waved to me using her pug's paw. I smiled back, doing the same thing. "Hi!" The astonishingly beautiful girl said cheerfully. I was speechless. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And I.... Look like a potato!

"I-it's you, Marzia" I managed to say. She smiled.

"Hello, Felix." She said. Her voice was so cute, and her accent, and the way she pronounced my name.

"We finally get to see each other. Im really interested in yo- um, I mean im interested in talking to you!" I said, embarrassed. She laughed. I started to blush.

"I was really shy Skyping to you" she said. Her English wasnt the best, but I found it really cute. I couldn't wait to meet her in real life. Wait, what? Im taking it way too far. Maybe in the future... If shes really interested in me. We started talking more about our lives. We never mentioned dating or anything, but I wish I had the courage to say it. I knew she would think im taking things too far too fast and reject me.

(Marzia's POV)

Felix is really cute, and I can't believe im actually Skyping him. But I don't know if he likes me back, is he even single? Im too shy to ask. Ill just wait for him to make the move.

"How is it in Italy?" He asked.

"It's really nice, a lot of rain but I love It! You should come visit!" I said. I started blushing, the last part slipped out of my mouth. I wish I could take it back.

"I should, actually" he smiled, with that great smile i loved to see.

"How is Sweden?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Cold," he said laughing. I started to show him some cool stuff I had, and he showed me his. We ended up Skyping for over 3 hours. I couldn't stop talking to him. He was really special, and I knew that from day one.

(Felix's POV)

This girl means a lot to me. She told me that I should visit italy, and thats actually not a bad idea. If i save enough money, maybe I can surprise her. We sent each other stuff, so I knew her address. I couldn't wait to meet her. I know I will. And I know the perfect day.

The next morning i woke up, eager to Skype Marzia. We talked again for a loooong time, and it started to become our daily routine. We were never really a "thing" since I couldn't hang out with her in real life, but neither of us ever brought it up. We are just fine as friends. Okay, maybe not. But until I meet her we are...I hope.

(Marzia's POV)

Does Felix actually want to come and meet me? Im pretty glad i brought it up. I really love him, but I don't know how he feels and im too shy to ask. I twirled my fork around the food on my plate.

"Marzia, perché non mangi?" my dad asked. [Marzia, why aren't you eating?]

"Niente, ho solo... Non è niente." I replied. [Nothing, it's just... It's nothing.]

"È quel ragazzo, PewDie? My mom asked me. [ Is it that boy, PewDie?]

"Il suo nome è Felix." I said. [His name is Felix.]

"Ti piace? E il tuo amico Nicholas? Lui è bello." Said my mom. [You like him? What about your friend Nicholas? He is nice.]

"Mom, mi piace Felix. Lui è diverso." I argued. [Mom, I like Felix. He's different.]

Nobody talked for a while after that. I finished my food and went to put my plate in the sink.

"Sono sicuro che Nicola sarà il cuore spezzato. aveva una grande cotta per te." My mom told me. [ I'm sure Nicholas will be heartbroken. he had a big crush on you.]

I abruptly stopped.

"Vado a letto. Buonanotte." I told my parents. [I'm going to bed. Good night.] and without another word, I went upstairs to my room. I laid there in bed, staring outside at the stars. So what if Nicholas [Marzia's friend] had a crush on me? I loved Felix...

Right then i thought of an idea. Im going to surprise visit Felix in Sweden to confess my love! And I know just the perfect day.

Our Love Story (Cutiepiemarzia & Pewdiepie / Marzia & Felix)Where stories live. Discover now