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12 2 0

April 7
4:45 pm

"Um...Nash?" I silently spoke, trying to speak louder than the blaring rap music poisoning my ears. "Nash?" I repeated after waiting for a response but not receiving one.

"Oh, sorry," The blue eyed boy turned the volume down, "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, we've been on the road for more than an hour. Where are we going?" I asked

Nash made a turn onto the highway. "There's this place I go to sometimes. My friends and I always meet up there but I'm never able to go on Sunday's because mom is always making me go to church." I gulped and looked at the road in front of us.

"Your friends are going to be there?" Nash nodded "So, why would you bring me?" He shrugged and looked at me with a smile.

"Because I thought you need to be in a clique. You know? A group of friends? These guys...and girl would love to meet you." Nash explained.

I want to go home.

Of course you do.
You shy bitch.
You made the boy drive around for over an hour.
You're going to actually have friends.

That's if you get accepted and not laughed at.
Which I am pretty sure won't happen.

My breathing became uneven.

I can't deal with this.
I don't deserve this.
They'll think I'm crazy.

"What are you thinking about?" Nash asked as he made another turn. "Please don't be worried about this if that's what it is. You need to be around people. And I'm not missing this chance to hang out with my friends."

"No, I'm not worried. It's just..." I looked around for an excuse until my eyes landed on the radio "...its just that I don't like silence. I always have to have music playing." I lied. I hated noise. I hated this type of "music". The type that was only people talking really fast to a sickening beat.

"I didn't know you liked hip-hop." Nash said as he twisted the volume nob, the horrible curse words filling my ears.

I picked at my nails. "Yeah, I guess it's alright."
The road became bumpy and my head roughly hit the light on the top of the car ceiling . "Ow." I groaned rubbed the sore spot.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Nash asked and put his hand over the one that was resting on my head. 
I looked up at the unusual situation. I removed my hand from under Nash's but he kept his there, softly rubbing. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head and Nash pulled his hand away. "Again, I'm sorry. But anyways, we're here." I looked at the sight in front of us.

"Damn." I mumbled to myself. Nash slightly chuckled.

"I know, right?" The set up was on what looked like a secret beach. A few jocks gathered around a fire and there were others chasing each other on the sand. "This place is amazing."

There was a huge white house with no doors or windows anywhere.  Sticking out was a massive white balcony with black tables and seats where kids from school sat, illegally drinking and playing cards. "Oh, there you guys are." Nash ran up to a group of people who were making their way towards us.

Ahead of me was a girl with wavy blonde hair. She wore a pink floral dress and brown sandals. Her teeth were completely straight and white. There also stood 3 other guys.
One was a little shorter than the other boys. He had brown hair put into a quiff. His shirt read "F*CK the POLICE". I couldn't help but laugh.
The other boy was the tallest. He was very attractive. His light brown hair falling onto his face, slightly covering his green eyes. He wore a plain white t-shirt and maroon colored joggers.
The two boys standing next to each other were good looking and could make a whore get into their pants in an instant. But the other guy was scary. He only wore black and his face was busted up, most likely from football.
All these boys were on the team. And the girl...she was a cheerleader.

"Guys, this is Sammy. She's the one that saved my ass and got me out of going to church. Sammy, this is Brooke, Steven," he pointed to the shorter one "Jacob," Nash pointed to the tall one "and Danny." The scary one waved.

"It's nice to meet you Sammy." Brooke smiled

No it's not.

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