**** Nicole's P.O.V ****
Today the day. I finally get to go on tour with the boys.
I packed everything last night sooo I had nothing to do for 4 hours.
'Well I have an idea of who to do!' I thought to myself and smiled.
I look over to the boys and they look at me with a confused look.
"What?" I ask smiling.
"Why are you smiling like a dork?" Zayn asks laying down.
"Oh. No reason. Hey Harry can you help me with something?" I yell to Harry who was in the kitchen.
"I'm busy. Ask Niall!!" He yells back.
"What do you need babe?" Niall asks.
"Ummm... Sorry Nialler. But you can't help me with this!" I say awkwardly.
The boys catch on and groan.
"Gross sis." Zayn says hitting me with a pillow.
"What? I'm confused?" Niall says confused.
Louis goes over and whispers something in his ear.
"Ohhhh. Well yeah can't help you with that!" He says finally catching on.
I start to laugh but suddenly stop and run to the bathroom. I don't know why but I start throwing up.
I feel someone pull my hair back as I keep throwing up.
Finally I finished and look up. All the boys are standing at the door with worried faces.
Harry helps me up and I rinse out my mouth.
"You alright love?" He asks worried.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I think it was something I ate. I feel better now." I say reassuring them that I'm ok.
Finally it was time to leave for San Fransisco. That was the next stop on the tour.
I remember that my brother, Jose, is in the prison in San Fransisco.
I guess it was obvious that I was sad because the boys walk over to where I'm sitting.
I get up and pull my knees to my chest trying not to cry.
"Hey. Are you ok? Your crying. What did Harry do?" Zayn asks pulling me to his chest.
"Why do you assume that I did something? Wait. Did I?" He asks worried.
"No. I just..... We are going to San Fransisco..... Thats where Jose is." I say crying.
"Who's Jose?" Louis asks sitting next to me.
"He is... Was my adoptive brother." I say not being able to hold the rest of my tears.
"Well thats good right? You finally get to see him!" Niall exclaims trying to cheer me up.
Liam gets up and hits him on the back of his head.
"She doesn't want to see him dumbass. Remember he's in jail." He spats.
"Oh sorry." Niall mutters looking sad.
"Awe Niall it's ok. Come here." I mutter opening my arms.
He comes over and sits on my lap and gives me a hug.
"Haha ok now get off. Your heavy." I say pushing him off.
"Nicole do you want to talk about your brother?" Harry asks pulling me into a hug.
"Yeah. But were do I start?" I ask sniffling
"How did he end up in jail?" Zayn asks hesitantly.
"Uhh... Well one day he got pissed off at me for something I did. He went to a friends house and got really drunk." I start tearing up again. "He left the house drunk off his ass. He drove down main street and lost...... Lost control of the car. H-he hit three people and they died.... When I went to visit him in jail he.... he said it was all my fault.... I-I told him that I never wanted to see him ever again." I finish my story and look up to see the boys faces. They were tearing up a bit.
"Uhh. Why are you guys crying?" I ask confused.
"Because that's sad." Louis says wiping tears away.
"You guys are such girls." I laugh. "Anyways lets do something. Since were stuck on this stupid bus for-" I started to say but I had to throw up again.
I run past the boys and into the bathroom. I barely made it.
'What the hell is wrong with me?' I think to myself still throwing up.
"Nicole? Honey what's wrong? Are you feeling ok?" Harry asks sitting next to me.
"I'm not sure to be honest. Wait. What's todays date?" I ask wide eyed.
"It's the 14th. Why?" Niall says looking at his phone.
"Oh my god. No. no this isn't happening!!"
What's gonna happen???
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Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!
FanficNicole was a normal college student that loved to play softball! What happens when she runs into Harry Styles at her game? Or when she finds out something interesting about her birth parents? Find out in Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!