**** Nicole's P.O.V. ****
Once we got back to the bus everyone flopped down on the couch. The bus driver started to pull away from the arena towards McDonalds.
"So babe how did you like the concert?" Harry asks sitting down next to me.
"I had fun. You guys were awesome." I exclaim.
"I heard the word awesome and here I am!" Zayn exclaims sitting down next to me.
"Haha very funny but if anyone is awesome it's me!" I reply turning my hat, well Niall's hat, backwards.
"WE'RE HERE!!!" Niall yells running towards the door.
"Kool I'm starving!" I reply getting up with Harry.
"Hey Nicole can I talk to you?" Louis asks already pulling me over to the side.
"Yeah. What's up?" I ask confused.
"What's wrong with your wrist? Don't lie to me either. Niall and I saw you wince when you hit it." He says serious.
"I... Its been hurting ever since we got on the bus." I respond looking down.
He carefully grabs my wrist and takes off the splint. On the spot where it broke it turned black and blue.
"Oh my god. We need to take you to the hospital. I'm going to get Har-" he says but I cut him off.
"No. We can't tell Harry or Zayn. They get to scared. Please keep this between me, you and Niall." I plead.
"Ok but when we have a free day we're going." He states.
I quickly put my splint back on and head over to where the rest of the boys are.
"Hey babe everything alright?" Harry asks when I sit down.
"Errr yeah. Everything's fine." I say grabbing some fries and quickly eating them.
"Hey guys sorry it took me so long." Mary says walking towards us with a small suit case.
"Hey its all good. We just got here. Uhh is that all you brought with you?" I ask pointing towards her suitcase.
"Errrr yeah." She replies sitting down.
"Oh you poor child. I am taking you shopping." I say leaning back on Harry's chest.
"You don't have to do that. Really. I'm ok really." She replies shaking her head.
"Yes I'm taking you. Zayn when are Perrie and Elenour coming?" I ask.
"Umm we are meeting them at the airport tomorrow. Why?" He asks confused.
"Because I need girl time. And we are going shopping." I squeal at the thought of hanging out with them.
Last time we had a girls day I ended up with purple streaks in my blonde hair. That was a fun day.
"OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT!!" I yell forgetting about my sister.
"What's wrong?" Louis asks eating the rest of his burger.
"I was umm thinking if maybe.. My sister can come with us on tour for a little while??" I ask with puppy dog eyes.
After a lot of begging, mostly towards Liam, everyone agreed to let Emily come with us.
(On the bus.)
"Err guys we have a problem." I yell from the buncks.
"What's wrong?" Zayn asks when everyone runs in.

Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!
FanfictionNicole was a normal college student that loved to play softball! What happens when she runs into Harry Styles at her game? Or when she finds out something interesting about her birth parents? Find out in Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!