**** Nicole's P.O.V ****
I'm sooo nervous right now. The boys arranged for me to throw the first pitch for the dodgers game.
"Ugh. What if I mess up?" I ask Harry.
"Love, your gonna do just fine. I promise. You'll do great." He says giving me a light kiss.
"What would I do without you?" I say looking into his beautiful eyes.
"I don't know. But me on the other hand would die." He says looking back at me.
I don't know why but there is something inside me that says we will be together forever.
I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard my name being announced on the loud speaker.
"Go babe. Your gonna do great." Harry says giving me a hug.
I stood up and walked up to a lady with a headset. She smiled at me and handed me a ball.
I slowly walked towards the baseball mound. I looked around me and saw everyone in the stadium look at me.
I decided I would pitch a curve because it was my best pitch.
I could heard the boys cheering for me. I smiled and pitched the ball.
It landed in the catchers mitt and he looked shocked. I just laughed and walked off the field towards the boys.
Finally I got to the boys and was enveloped in a group hug.
"Guys.... can't..... breath." I choke out gasping for air.
"Sorry babe." Harry says letting me go.
"Ok lovebirds. Lets head to our seats." Liam says ushering us towards our sets.
**** Louis' P.O.V ****
This game is sooo confusing. What the hell is going? I know Nicole loves this but why do I have to come? I never watch this. Bleh!!
**** Harry's P.O.V ****
"You having fun babe?" I whisper into Nicole's ear.
She smiles and says, "Yes. Thank you for bringing me here."
At this point we were looking into each others eyes. Boy did she have gorgeous eyes.
"Ummm guys. Look." Niall says pointing towards the big screen.
I look over and see that me and Nicole are on the kiss cam. I turn towards her and she blushes.
I take this as the perfect excuse to kiss her. I gently cup her face and push my lips onto hers.
I hear the crowd 'Awwwwing'. I pull back and look in her eyes again.
"I love you." I whisper still looking into her eyes.
"I love you too." She whispers back.
Everytime I hear her say that I get butterflies in my stomach.
I know at this moment my next move is right.
I quickly look back to the boys and they nod. I turn back and Nicole is paying attention to the game.Cheering when someone hits the ball and booing when the other team makes a play.
Niall nudges my arm bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Are you gonna do it?" He whispers into my ear. I just nod.
"Nicole?" I say holding onto her small hand.
"Yeah." She smiles back at me. I swiftly pull out a small black box out of my pocket and giving it to her.
She opens it and gasps. "W-what's this?" She says her voice hitched in the back of her throught.
"It's a promise ring." I say grabbing the small ring. "Nicole this ring is my promise to you saying I will always be there for you. Whether you want me to be or not I will always be there. I love you Nicole. Do you except my promise?" I say holding onto her hand and starring into her eyes.
"I-I...." She studders speechless.
"Oh just say yes!!" The boys scream in unison.
"Y-yes. Yes. Of course." She smiles. I put the ring on her petite finger.
The ring is simple yet cute. It's an infinity symbol with our initials craved in.
She looks at it and pulls me into a passionate and sweet kiss.
(After the game.)
The game just ended and we are on our way out. The Dodgers won 10-6.
I am still super happy about today but of course that won't last long.
In less than a second we are being hounded by the paparazzi. Great.
"Boys. Boys look over here."
"Harry who is that with you?"
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"What's your name?"
Why can't I have a nice day without the paparazzi ruining everything? I mean damn.
By now I can see Nicole is scared of being surrounded by people. I put my hand on her waist pulling her towards me. She was shaking.
Then a paparazzi grabbed her arm and pulled her trying to get a picture.
Zayn was the first to react. He grabbed the man and pushed him away.
"Back away. Don't ever fucking touch her." He growled.
Nicole ran over and calmed him down.
I grabbed her hand and we all walked to the van.
Once we got in I was worried for Nicole, all of us are.
"Are you ok?" I ask looking at her arm.
"Guys I'm fine." She says sighing.
"Are you sure? I'm sorry they never get ruff with-" I say but she cuts me off.
"Harry! I'm fine. I can handle someone grabbing my arm." She says cupping my face.
"Ok. Just tell me if it hurts. Promise?" I say grabbing her hand.
"I promise." She says looking at everyone.
"Thanks for standing up for me bro." Her eyes looking at Zayn.
"No problem. Thanks for calming me down. I was about to kick his ass." He says smiling.
"Awww you would do that?" She asks and he nodds.
"I would do the same." She says smiling.
"Now lets go home." She says and everyone agrees.

Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!
FanfictionNicole was a normal college student that loved to play softball! What happens when she runs into Harry Styles at her game? Or when she finds out something interesting about her birth parents? Find out in Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!