Hey guys sorry it took me FOREVER to update. I've been really busy. Stupid cuesta classes!!!
Sooo here's a long chapter for you guys. I think it's long. I'm writing on my phone sooo yeah!! :)
Hope you like it!! :)
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**** Nicole's P.O.V ****
While I am waiting for the boys to come out on stage, I decide to make my way over to my seat. The boys got me a front row seat for the concert so I can finally watch them preform.
I can't believe its been two months since I've met them and I haven't watched them preform.
Finally I get to my seat and the minute I sit down I completely regret it. The girl next to me starts freaking out.
"Oh my god, your Nicole." She exclaims calming down a bit.
"Yeah. I am. What's your name?" I ask trying to be polite.
"OMG!! You talked to me. Umm.... My name is Mary!" She exclaims looking like she's going to faint.
"Haha. Hi Mary. Why wouldn't I talk to you?" I ask confused.
"Umm... I don't know. Maybe because you hang out with the most famous people in the world!" She says shly.
"And.... Because no one ever talks to me." She whispers so only I can hear her. I couldn't help but feel sorry.
I look down at her arms and see scars, some deeper than the others. She notices me staring and puts her arms behind her back.
"Is that why you have those? And please don't lie to me." I say holding her hand.
"Yeah it is. I'm bullied a lot at school. That's why I started listening to One Direction. They pretty much saved my life. I was going to.... You know and I heard their music and decided maybe I do have something to live for." She says with a frown.
"Hey look at me." I say and she gazes up at me. "I know that sometimes it feels like the world is against you. Believe me I know, but it does get better. Can I tell you a secret that not even the boys know?" I say leaning in. She smiles and nods.
"I was bullied a lot. My entire childhood I was bullied and to make matters worse I moved a lot. But I didn't let it get to me. I just found something to keep my mind off of it."
"Yeah I started playing when I was 6. In high school I lost 50 pounds, tryed out for the team, and the bullying stopped. I'm telling you this because I care about other people more than I care about myself." I say with a small smile.
Just before she replies the boys run out on stage.
"We can talk after." I yell over the screaming and she nods.
"Hello San Fransisco!" Liam yells into the microphone and the crowd goes wild.
I look at Harry and his eyes are looking around everywhere, probably looking for me.
"Harry I Love You!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.
He turns around and smiles at me. He walks to all the boys and points at me. I smile and wave.
"Alright everyone there is someone very special here tonight and I want to bring her up on stage." Harry says looking at me.
Oh hell no! I am not going out there. I look at him and shake my head no.
"Aww come on sis. Come up here for us." Zayn pleads. Again, I shake my head.
"Fine!" Louis screams and runs off stage.

Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!
FanficNicole was a normal college student that loved to play softball! What happens when she runs into Harry Styles at her game? Or when she finds out something interesting about her birth parents? Find out in Softball... Meeting Harry Styles!