Her Story

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Frostkit opened her eyes. She was sleeping in her own nest. Her mother had decided to have her and Mountainkit in different nest so they could get use to it before becoming apprentices. Frostkit was now 5 and a half moons old now. It had been three moons since she had left the camp. When Jayfeather returned with her back to camp the camp had been panicking. She had been gone all night and it had been the coldest day of leaf bare that night. They had all probably came to the conclusion she probably had died until the two had returned. Frostkit was angry that she didn't realize Jayfeather had been following her.
Frostkit stretched. Her sister was still asleep and was also Leafpool. It was before dawn. Frostkit crept out of the nursery and entered the clearing. She licked her ruffled fur flat to the lean look she preferred. She perked her ears. She was use to feeling alone her sister wanted to become a full time medicine cat so that meant Frostkit would become a warrior by herself for now, since Lily's kits all sadly died of green cough. Frostkit would have to wait for Lionkit, Duskkit and Dawnkit to become apprentices a moon after she became one. She yawned. She then saw a black cat leave a den. She recognized her father easily. He seemed a little ruffled. Dawn soon arrived. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey come out to hear what I need to say." he meowed loudly. The clan slowly exited their dens to join each other in the clearing. "I was visited from Starclan last night." he announced. The clan looked at him in awe. "They told me to make two kits apprentices today at dawn." he continued. The clan gasped at that. Non of the kits were old enough yet. "Mountainkit, Frostkit would you please step forward?" he asked.
Frostkit was yet again reminded of her father's dislike for her. He always looked happily at Mountainkit but never ever set his eyes on Frostkit.
Mountainkit went first receiving her medicine cat apprenticeship and becoming Mountainpaw. Now it was Frostkit's turn. "Frostkit will you step forward please?" Crowstar asked. Frostkit stepped forward slowly. She felt uncertainness and fear creep along her. "I, Crowstar of Featherclan, ask that Starclan look down on this young kit. She has grown from the little small bundle nursing at her mothers belly to the cat you see in front of you. I hope you acknowledge her now as an apprentice of Featherclan. She will now be known as Frostpaw and her mentor will be..." he looked around the crowd. "Her mentor will be Flamesprit. He has a strong and willing sprit even though he is young he should make a great mentor." Crowstar nodded and the clan split up. The clan didn't seem to mind the choice of Frostpaw's mentor but Frostpaw did. Flamesprit was seen as a young inexperienced warrior. There were many warriors that would make better mentors. Frostpaw sighed and went over to Flamesprit to see him leaving camp with out her. After a second of thinking she decided she'll go by her self to explore. She left the camp and turned right. As she had grown she had became more aware of her surroundings so she knew that a cat was following her. She entered a clearing and turned quickly around to see Lionblaze behind her.

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