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Saints Academy is an elite boarding school, home to over three hundred students. It has been ranked as one of the best schools worldwide. But, behind the closed walls and perfect exterior, true horror lies beyond.

Years before the school was established, a different building was constructed there. It was a five story asylum called "Briarcliff Mental Institution", where the criminally insane were treated. In 1952, a young unidentified criminal was admitted into the mental institution after being accused of witchcraft and driving their neighbors to their deaths. This murderer became known as Faceless, since they never showed their face and never left any fingerprints which could identify it.

In 1955, this "John doe" was found dead in their cell. After the police investigated, the case was closed and it was determined that the cause of their death was a suicide; a week after, strange things began to occur in the institute. Every week, another patient would disappear without a trace. Because of this, Briarcliff was shut down and the building became condemned, so no one would get harmed. The truth of the missing cases remained unknown.

After the building was demolished, the remaining land was bought by an academic administration and Saints Academy was built. Although the administration knew about the faceless killer legend, they opened the school.

They built an isolated room to appease the ghost of Faceless. No students or teachers were allowed to go in or even go near this room. But, one student named Courtney DiLoins was dared by her friends to enter the room.

She thought nothing of it. Quietly one night, she slid out of her dormitory and went to the infamous room. She was sort of disappointed with what she saw; it was just an empty room with a mirror in the middle of it. Oblivious to what was about to come, she returned to her room and went to sleep.

None of them knew what was coming to them. And it was coming soon. 


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