Sid, Hinc, Jessie

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In the quiet Forest, a few twigs cracked at the footprints of a nother figure.
"Sid?" Leyi-chi said getting ready to get his sword out.
"Calm down its me!" Sid said with her hands up, coming from behind a tree.
"Oh! Sid I'm glad you here. I need your help with something." Leyi-chi looked down at sami still in his arms.
Sid looked at his back. "Wings?!"
"Yeah, he and I don't know how to get them out...but I was hoping..." Leyi-chi looked at sid's pair of silver see through wings.
"Oh, sure"sid said understanding him. (Both of Sid's eyes where black and all her teeth were sharp, believe it or not but she is a pixie, but bigger)
"Hinc and Jessie followed me by the way." Sid said trying to wake sami.
"Those two have nothing to do but to be a following parasite." Leyi-chi required with annoyance.
"You don't speak the truth, brother" a figure said looking over leyi-chi's shoulder. With a small backhand swipe from leyi-chi, sent the men tumbling down.
"Hinc you hairy face dog I'll rip you neck out you call me brother again!!"
Leyi-chi screamed to the men that sat on the ground from the fall. The men let out a small laugh before he said another word "I love it when your mad, leyi-chi, it's so funny." He said.
"I'll kill y-"
"I don't think you have time to be fighting at this point" another figure said coming to a clear so it can be seen.
"Jessie!, I need your help over here" sid said to the lady standing by a tree.
"Okay" jessie said walking to sid, who was tending to sami. Leyi-chi pulled his hands into a fist, when he glanced back a hinc, who smiled when there eyes met. Leyi-chi's frown deepened, but he walk to were sid and Jessie.
"His name?" Sid asked.
"Sami" leyi-chi answered.
"Can you go into his mind and awake him?" Jessie asked.
"I did that last time to see his form." Leyi-chi said.
"What was the form?" Hinc asked putting his hand on leyi-chi's shoulder.
"He's a beast like me, now get your filthy hands off me!" Leyi-chi said pulling his off him.
"The wings are coming out their selfs, so all we can do is wait for them to come out." Sid said.
"That is all that we can do." Jessie said knowing that leyi-chi will ask or say something.
"He'll wake up soon to scream in pain." Hinc laughed.
"That's not funny you dumb hairball!" Leyi-chi shouted to hinc, while tackling him to the ground.
"Ugh, when do you both ever stop fighting?" Jessie yell to them both.
They kept pushing and hitting each other as if she didn't say a thing.
"I think he's waking up!" Sid shouted, so they could hear. Leyi-chi stopped himself from hitting hinc and begin to walk over to sami. Sid picked sami up to his feet, sami's body was cold and shivering. Leyi-chi helped by holding sami's arm over his neck.
"What do we do now?" Leyi-chi asked. Sami pushed himself from leyi-chi and fell to the ground.
"Sami?" Leyi-chi walked over to pick him up.
"Stay back!" Sami yelled holding his hand up to stop leyi-chi from coming near. Sami looked at his hand and seem that his nails had grown on their self. His eyes started to hurt, he could feel them changing to something different. His body felt like it was on fire and his back felt like needles pierced roughly into him, the pain didn't stop there. Throat dry and bones fill like their breaking, how am I still alive, someone save me." So...much...pain! Ugggghh!! Somebody help me!!,... I don't want to die like this... Not here...not like this...somebody help me."
" Ugggh!!" Sami yell out to the forest, when he felt his back bones moving letting something past through. His wings rushed out of his back and felt the air blow through them for the first time. Leyi-chi stared at the wings in surprise, there dark black color was darker then night and can be spoted in the darkest place. The wings were out but that didn't have an effort to stop that sami was now bleeding, shaking, and in very much pain.
"Whoa look at them wings!" Hinc yelled like a excited child.
"Shh, hinc you need to be quiet!" Leyi-chi put his hand over hinc mouth and he looked to see if sami was doing okay.
"Sami?...Are you okay?" Sami looked up to leyi-chi and the painful tears ran down his face.
"Lee...T-this hurts-s!" His wings begin to flap around, which made sami yelp.
"Hey it'll be over...Just wait, okay?.." Leyi-chi tryed to calm him, then he looked to sid for some help.
"Sami right?" Hinc said walking slowly to him.
"Yes...who are you?" Sami looked up at him.
"It's okay i'm a friend of leyi-chi, my names hinc....Take this it'll help with the pain." Hinc sat in fronte of sami and pulled out a small bottle fulled with some type of liquid.
"What is it?" Sami wipped his tears away and gabbed the unknown bottle.
"Do worry it wont hurt you" Hinc let out a small giggle" Take as much as you like." Hinc opened the bottle for him and gave it back, with a smile.
Sami begin to drink it and his eye's widened in sudden suprise.
"T-this tastes like...w-why does it tastes like sugar?" Sami begin to drink more. Hinc giggled at his actions.
"This was made from sugar cane, it helps with the pain your feeling." Sami stop drinking the liquid and realized he wasn't in pain anymore.
"T-thank you,hinc!!"Sami smiled and handed the bottle back to hinc.
"Haha...Well, i would do anything to help leyi-chi" hinc looked at leyi-chi as he said those words and lee looked away with his cheeks turning pink.
"*cough* um we still have to get sami cleaned up." Jessie said with a cough.
"Right. Your right...but the win-" before lee (leyi-chi) could finish the wings begin to slowly move back into sami's back, and he held onto hinc arm. When the wings where all the way back in sami let go of hinc.
"That was a bit painful!" Sami yelped.
"Well, that solves the problem...Come on, we got to get sami cleaned." Lee says wrapping sami's arm around his shoulder, helping him to the car.
During the car ride sid changed back to her human form, and sami look sort of shy, sitting at the back seat between sid and jessie. The car stopped infront of a six bedroom house, that had normal white paint on it. Hinc took out a key that was in his pocket and he opened up the door. The floors where wooden and and the stairs where the same. To the left of the fronte door was a big livingroom that had a flat screen TV, white rug, white sofa's, and a wooden table in the middle. To the left of the fronte door was a kitchen, the bathroom and basement where down the hall. Up stairs where three bedrooms and another bathroom, the next flight but last of stairs where three more bedrooms and another bathroom.
"W-where are we?" Sami said looking around.
"The crib!" Hinc said, going up stairs and came back with some new clothes for sami "The bathroom is upstairs" he said pointing up.
"We'll make something to eat!!"
Sid said grabbing Jessie into the kitchen, leaving lee and hinc alone. Hinc walked into the livingroom and lee followed.
"Hmmm..." hinc sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.
"Um...T-thanks for helping...With sami. To be honest i didn't know what i was doing..." lee sat down next to hinc, sighing.
" problem but..."Hince smiles "You owe me"
Hello there it's been awhile. I thought my story sucked btw, but i got some confidence to write again.
Thanks Alxanderphantom😊

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