Who are you?

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*Sami's POV*
A month has already past, so far and with everything that has happened, I have come to know ever possible thing that's needed. Hinc kept saying with the more knowledge, comes more power, so he and Sid have gave me so much information, I have  headaches everyday from all they have taught me.  I have also learnt so much from hinc, he is very smart and sleek, but hides it with his playfulness and kind kid like self. Hinc is a werewolf, that was turned that way by a curse. When he was little he heard of stories, told that if you every see portals that where unknowingly made, don't enter them, for things bad only happen. These stories where told by the elders of their kind, past down by generation after generation. People adored the elders, so they feared the portal's, became Knight's never letting anything enter nor escape. They where the only things protecting the gate between the human world and theirs. Hinc learned much about them, his kind where "howler's" wolves, beautiful beings, living amongst the elders, that lived to protect this world from theirs, theirs from this. Hinc then wanted to become a member of the knights, like his father who had the bloodline of the elders, but it all changed when he failed the test that was needed to be token. He disappointed his father, which took a big turn for him, so he did the unthinkable to prove to his father that he was worthy. A portal appeared in his world and before the knights had a chance to stop him, hinc slipped through the portal and entered into this world. When he entered this world he turned into a human, but when he tries to turn into his real form, it only cause pain and suffering. He also told me about his experience in this world and his research. Hinc was planning on returning. But he failed, finding when the next portal would open was difficult and his research became his misery and ordeal. One day he was wondering into the woods,exhausted and worn out, he had been out their all day,looking for something, anything. Their was a cliff and below it was just rocks and a big waterfall, flowing and flowing far out. He was on the verge of jumping. But when Hinc looked down at the bottom of a hill and this couple had a machine with them. He watched as they where starting it up and recording what was happening. The machine that they had, started up and was building some type of light, like a portal. Hinc thought it was impossible for such a machine to exist.
-10 years ago- *hinc POV*
I watch from a far, they set up their tents. I finally build the courage to go to them and talk. I climb down from the hill and slowly made my way towards them. I want to know everything about them, about what their doing. They could be my only hope to getting back home. They must have notice me because the men quickly grabbed his gun and the women stood behind her husband. I stopped where I was and stood still, they must be in trouble, or really scared.
"Who every you are, step out with your hands up!" The men yelled,and I followed his orders stepping carefully in the clear and putting my hands up.
"Jesus! Haygo, put the gun down, it's only a kid" the women said with concern, and he put the gun down.
"Hello there are you lost?" She said sweetly and walked a little closer to me. I stepped back a little and she started to notice.
"No, it's okay,we're not going to hurt you...what is your name?" She asked, I could feel myself changing into my form and it started to hurt, I wasn't changing because of the women but because the men, still clutching on his gun. I was scared for sure and I did believe he would shoot me.
"Hey, it's okay, he's not going to shoot you, we're just trying to run from something" she said with a short smile, to hide her worry. She suddenly jump a little, with fright. My eyes where changing and she could see them, I don't want to scare her, I need her.
"I'm hinc" I said quickly not trying to frighten her.
"What are you, hinc?" She suddenly ask me and I didn't know how to answer. The men put the gun down and walked closer, looking at my eye's.
"...he's a howler" the men said and I jumped with excitement all of a sudden.
"You know what I am?....that means you can help me get home! You can with your machine!" I got all hyped up.
"..." The men and women looked at each other, with a expression filled with sorrow and comfort.
"...home?...what do you mean?" The women asked
"This...." I took my small cross bag off my shoulder and took out my writing journey and handed it to them. They opened the first page and looked at the details.
"This is your artwork?!" The women asked with amazement.
"Yes, it's my home...I'm trying to get back, to my family....I shouldn't never left in the first place." I sadly added
"Please..tell us more about your home" the men said and I turned the pages for them.
"This is all my research,that I've done when I was home." The pages showed all the notes that I've token from school and my tutors. There was drawings and little captions telling things I've noted on them.
"This is all the stuff that I've been studying...and I learnt a lot about the portal. This is my first time seeing it being created by a machine or humans" They looked through the book with excitement and unbelief.
"How old are you?" The men asked.
"I'm 13" I smiled.
"Impossible...." The men laughed in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm almost done with school....how do you know the howler's?" I asked.
"Come, come, lets get in the tents...I have some tea and food we can eat." The men said going to the tent.
"Okay!" I said with excitement.
~end of flash back~
I didn't get to hear the rest because Lee said it wasn't time for him to tell me, but I've gotten so curious! But my studying is important too.
A/n: hi,everyone I hope you like this chapter. Comment, vote,share. Thank-you!!!!!
(√ • ^ • \ )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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