Chapter 5

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Farkle's POV

I haven't decided if I'm going to leave John Quincy Adams. I really do want to leave but I don't know how I would be able to leave my friends. There's this really cool school that I like, Longwood Academy, but only smart kids go and I have to take a test to get in. I'm thinking about taking the test. Anyways as I stopped daydreaming about Longwood, I walk into John Quincy Adams. I walk to my locker and as I opened it this weirdo, started throwing peanuts and apples at me.

"Ow! Hey quit it! Stop it!" I screamed.

He stopped throwing then. I walked over to him with my fist clutched. I raised my fist in the air and just right there he got his tape dispenser out of his backpack and hit me in the forehead with it. Everything became black.

Riley's POV

I walk into my dad's class and sit down. I look at Maya and Lucas. No sign of Farkle...

"Oh-no" I said.

"What?" Maya said back.

"Farkle... Do you think he is okay?"

Maya's eyes became wide opened. She just sat there... speechless.

Oh no! I thought. I turned to my dad.

"Dad, is Farkle absent?"

"Um.. I guess?" He guessed.

Maya and Lucas got up from their seats.

Mr. Matthews, Far--

*ambulance sirens*

"Attention Teachers and Students, we have had an accident between three kids this morning, if you know anything about this situation, please report to the principal's office on the first floor. Classes are gonna have to be paused until the ambulances leave."

"Dad! Do you think one of those three kids are Farkle?" I screamed.

"Riley, it- it can be possible, but it's a possibility that h--" He said.

"No! I'm going to run to the front door and see what's going on!" I interrupted.

"Okay, but you're gonna have to let me come with you." He replied.

Maya and Lucas decided to come too, and the teacher across the hall guarded our class as we left. As we were walking towards the front door. We saw blood.... Next to Farkle's locker!

"No! Farkle!" I gasped and cried.

I looked outside and ran out the front door and looked inside the ambulance with Maya, Lucas, and my dad behind me.

There was Farkle... laying inside the ambulance. He was all cut and bruised and they were big cuts.

Us four, me, maya, lucas, and my dad got in Farkle's ambulance and we hit off to the hospital.

I couldn't stand this. We all were crying there. I decided that, Farkle does need to leave John Adams. But then I thought... What if Farkle never has a chance to go back to school? What if I never see him again? What if... he never breathed or was around again? Then Farkle Minkus... would be gone.


Hey guys! Don't hate me for what is happening to Farkle.. but this is a story and anything can happen in stories. Anyways, I will update chapter 6 soon, so umm, yeah. Bye!

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