The dare

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I sat there. Waiting for the silence to take over. I looked around nervously, to prevent any more awkwardness to the group. Yet, it didn't work. "Emma, please so it!" Pleaded my best friend, Katy. "But what if he wakes up?" I muttered. Biting my lip. "He won't. All you have to do, is crawl through his window, take his phone, take a picture of him sleeping, and post it on Facebook! Its not that hard." She complained. She wouldn't back down. Plus, what would I do if I rejected the dare? Would everyone laugh at me? Maybe. Would they tell my biggest secret? Yes. So I used all of my courage and spit out a sentence I soon regretted. "Fine. I'll do it." I said. Not making eye contact with Katy or anyone else. I slowly stood up, and crossed the street where the dark mailbox stood. I eyed it in concentration. I read the numbers going down the side of it. "3158." I muttered to myself. I kept it in mind. I looked around the windows of the second floor from his driveway. By the way, his name is Luke. It was pitch black outside, so I squinted to see the smallest details of everything around me. I slowly walked up to his window. It made it easier for me since his room was downstairs. Thankfully, it was unlocked. I quickly slid the window up, and climbed inside.

His room was a dark blue. Most of the furniture was either vintage or had an antique look. I liked it. Not most people are like that. I looked around the room. He had a small white bed, and a brown dresser beside it. A majority of his room was blue or black. I soon saw his messy brown hair. I tip toed to the other side of his bed. I stared at his face. He was drooling. Of course he was wearing pajamas. Thank god. I wouldn't want to see anything I didn't need to experience this early in my life. I really just wanted to get this over with. So I took his phone from his desk, took a picture of him, and quickly posted the picture on Facebook. I quickly sprinted across his room towards the window. I slid the window up once again. Instead of the window being quiet. It made a loud scream like squeak. Luke started to move around. So I slid out of the window. But as soon as I was out, I glanced back. I saw him watching me leave. He was puzzled at what I must've been doing. I ran across the street before I would be caught red handed.


The next day.


I walked into the school. I avoided Katy and everyone else, so they wouldn't bribe me about my crime. More like a prank. Luke must of known who I was. Because when I was walking towards my locker, he was already there. Watching me slowly walk to him. "So, what were you doing in my room last night Emma?" Luke asked me. "It was a dare." I said biting my lip and looking at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing ive ever seen. "What dare?!" He snarled. "Katy and the others dared me to sneak into your room last night or else they would tell a secret of mine." I said. Tears welling up in my eyes. "What secret?" He asked. "Nothing." I responded. "I said, what secret?" He repeated. "Its none of your business." I said, defending myself. "I dont care! I have the right to know." He said quite a bit more sarcastically than usual. "Fine! They would tell everyone that I had a big crush on you if I didn't do the dare! Ok? Are you happy now?" I yelled. I was about to turn and run to the bathroom to cry my eyes out at what I said. But before I could get away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his solid chest. I was about to yell up in his face again. But before that would of happened, something unexpected happened. He kissed me. Out of all the girls he could've chosen, It was me. The kiss sent a quick spark through my body. I was going to pull back, but i couldnt lose the chance of being with the boy ive dreamed of. He pulled back. My brown eyes lost in his green ones. I ran outside and rushed into my car. The next thing I knew, I was in tears. I drove home. Out of all the places I could've gone, I went home.


Cliffhanger! Sorry that this first chapter was really short and crappy, but ive been really busy since Christmas. Hope you all enjoy reading! I promise I will update soon.

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