I like you......................................Evie

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(ben, mal and evie are in the girls dorm)

E. we have a dare

M. okay what is it?

Ben reads the dare

B. oh no, sorry Mal

M. why, let me see

reads dare

m. as long as it is not true I am fine with it.

e. I want you to know I DO NOT LIKE ben in any way. ok

m. okay, I believe you

b. right we need a plan.

m. yes and benny boo

b. what do you want.

m. can I plot and may be a bit evil.

b. no evil because it is for me but you can plot.

ten minuets later

m. I have an idea

e. what a surprise

b. hey don't be mean, she is usally to quite.

ben and mal kiss on the cheek

e. get a room

m. any way, ben you have a tourney match later,right ben.

b. yep

m. so after when you win sing did I mention and instead of spelling out me, spell out-

gets cut of by evie


m. no just evie

b. ok then what

m. then I will handle the rest and all you have to do is be kissed on the CHEEK by evie

evie pretends to be sick

b. I am not that bad am I mal

awkward silence

b. mal

m. anyway lets get ready.

b. but I need to tell them after

m. why

b. because everybody will hate me.

m. I guess we can tell then after. now lets go


after tourney game

b. can I have your attention please. HIT IT

(I don't want to right the whole song. sorry)

b. give me an





what does that spell


mal starts to cry, evie tries to comfort her but she is pushed away. then her carlos and jay run to ben.

m. how could you, and with my best friend.

b. sorry mal I just don't feel anything between us anymore.

mal hits him in the face, then runs of with jay, carlos and dude

while evie goes up to ben and kisses his check.


later in bens dorm

b. I am so sorry about earlier

m. you don't need to be sorry it was a dare.

b. I know but everybody thinks we have broken up.

m. yeah I know all through spells and secrets people were asking if I was ok. and I was like

they get inturpted by someone knocking on the door

b. who is it

bl. your mom and dad, can we come in.

whisper to mal

b. hide

mal hides inside the closet

b. come in

bs. we want to talk about what happened ealier

bl. yes, why would you do that to mal.

b. cuz I don't love her anymore.

bl. well you don't do anything like that in public she is probably heart broken.

mal starts to giggle in the closet

bs. what was that?

b. me laughing because I don't care how mal feels.

bl. well you should

bs. why should he, she is just a spiteful villain trying to spell our son

b. she is not any of those things

at this moment mal starts to cry in the closet and belle hears and opens the closet door

bl. what is going on

m. we never broke up and I am not a villain but you want me to be one.

starts playing with magic and then throws it to ben who catches it

bs. what are you doing you are just like you mother.

mal collapses into tears on the floor and then is picked up by ben

b. she is nothing like her mother so shut up and get out my room now.

they try to speak but ben just pushes them out.

m. ben call evie, jay and carlos please.

b. why?

m. because me and evie need to tell you guys something

to be continued


sorry it is turning into a story we will get back to the truths and dares posibliy after the next part. also I need truths and dares.


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