Who was your fist kiss

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Mal and Evie look at each other then burst out laughing.
B: what is so funny
M. Nothing right e
E. Right
J. I know why you are laughing
C. Do I
Jalvie. Yes
C. Ok
B. So Mal who was your first kiss
M. Ummmmm I don't want to say
B. You have too
M. Ok it was jay
J,e and c. Haha
J. I was your first kiss
M. You were my first boyfriend and the first boy I shared a bed with
B. What how old were you and ewww Mal you did that
M. I was 5 and ewww not in that way I mean in a friendly way
B. That sounded even worse
M. Yeah it did but in a sleepover way
J. Mal was my first kiss
E. Carlos was mine
M. Ohhhh when was this
E. Just after we broke a hole in the barrier. Oops I wasn't meant to say that
B. Wait you broke a hole in the barrier what happened
E. We saw this epic show with twins. Can we watch it later
B. You mean liv and Maddie. And guess what Mal loves that show
M. Well have you seen the diggie kid he is soooooooo cute there is a new episode tonight
B. Umm Mal is he cuter than me
M. In a way
J. Wow you just got burned
B. Well my first kiss was Caitlin
C. Evie
B. Hang on you really think he is cuter
M. Yeah but I love you but he is cute
B. Ok but you love me more right
M. Evie do you wanna come and watch liv and Maddie with me
E. Sure and tough luck Ben
B. Mal
E. M do you ship miggie
M. Yes as it could be Mal and diggie. Do you ship them
E. Yeah but what does Ben think
M. I love Ben so much and would never leave him also I hope the miggie ship sails and doesn't sink
E. Wow you are turning into a girly girl
M. Shut up

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