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the dare is for mal and evie to say know to the boys asking them to marry them and for mal to break up with ben after he asks her.

mal; I don't wanna

evie; well you have to, now come on jay and ben want us at the enchanted lake

at the enchanted lake

jay; evie can I speak to you in private please.

ben; can I do the same to you

ben and mal go up on the top of the rock that ben jumped off of

ben; mal ever scince I met you I knew you were the one so will  you marry me

mal; ben I am soooo sorry but I cant and I don't think this is working.

mal goes to take a step backwards but doesn't realise she I right next to the edge and falls straight down hits head and then goes into the water. ben jups in straight after her. picks her up and carries her to the ruins he then passes her to jay and they run to the hospital.

at hospital

doctor; so mal was knocked unconscious she has a mild concussion and there is a small chance she wont get some of her memory back.

evie; can we see her

doctor; yes one at a time

ben; you go first evie

evie; ok

evie; hey mal, how are you

mal; good and you are evie right

evie; yes and how much do you remember

mal; I remember that I am good and the isle but that is it, the only people I remember are evie, jay, carlos and..................................


sorry but you are going to have to wait to read my new descendants book 'what if' to find out what happens next. the book should be out next weekend or next Monday.

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