Chapter 16

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Chitsu's POV

The end of phase 4 finally came to an end. We were all on the air ship, I guess on our way to the last phase?I was randomly walking around the airship until I came across the place where Gon, Killua and I were talking. I sit on top of the table and looked outside at the sunset.

Kire (pretty)!

I continue to look at the sunset until I decide to draw it. I grab my sketch my book and pencil. Then I start to draw.

Kurapika's POV

I was walking down the hall with windows trying to look for Gon. As I walk I notice the beautiful sunset as well as a familiar blonde girl sitting and drawing the sunset.

Of course it was Chitsu. As I stop and stare at her, it was so quiet that I can the pencil on the paper. She looked the drew and then looked and then drew. She sometimes rested her bead on the wall and just stared for a few minutes.

I honestly didn't have to look at the sunset to feel relived p. All I have to do is watch her. Her purple eyes were reflecting the light while her hair was resonating with the many warm colours. It was if she herself was the sunset.

I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I gazed at her. I could honestly look at her forever.


It was at this moment I realized I was staring at her for 10 minutes straight.

Trying to hide my red self I cover my mouth with my arm (Kazehaya Style minna!!).

"H-Hi. What are you doing here?" I manage to say

She gives the "seriously." look. " I'm just drawing. How about you?"

"Same as you." But this time I wasn't lying

"Hmm, really?"

"Yup! Now i'm gonna go look for Gon! Bye!"

"Bye." I hear her voice getting faint as I continue to run


That repeated in my head several times.

You know why? Because you're practically her older brother. Therefore, starting to like her may be like incest. So don't start liking her. Only as a sibling.

Chitsu's POV

"Well wasn't Kurapika-nii acting strange." I say to myself

Then the loud speaker came on.

"Attention. All of the participants of the Hunters Exam will be called to Chairman Netero's office do that he may ask some questions. We will call you in order of the 3rd phase. Thank you."

I wonder if this relates to the last phase??

"Can I have applicant #44, Hisoka-sama."

I finished up my drawing and started to walk around once again. If im going to be staying here for a few days I might as well know the place properly.

As I walk I face a tall figure. I look up and see Leorio.

"Oh, hi Leorio-san!" I greet


"Am I really that short?" I ask annoyed

"Hmm, lets just say it works witb your name." He replies

"Anyway, have you seen Gon or Killua?" I ask

"Why??" He wiggles is eyebrows

"Why? You can't leave a girl alone" I say

"Applicant #401, Chitsu-sama, can you make your way to Netero kaichou's office."

"Well, i'm off!" I say to Leorio


I walk into a Japanese styled room and see the old man in front of me sitting.

"Osu Kaichou!" I say

"Come sit." He says

I sit on the cushion and await the questions.

"So applicant #401 Chitsu. I only have three questions for you."

"First why do you want to become a Hunter?" He asks

"Um well I want to take on a certain ex-hunter so that I can get revenge on my family." I reply

"Just keep in mind killing It will be difficult."

"Anyway, which out of the other eight applicants are you an eye on?"

"#44 Hisoka, #405 Gon, #99 Killua, #404 Kurapika and #301 Grittakur (idk if i spelt that right)"

"And lastly, which of the 8 applicants do you least want to fight."

"#404 Kurapika, #99 Killua, #405 Gon and #403 Leorio."

"How about #301 and #44?"

"Well honestly I am looking at them particularly but I don't really care if i fight them. Although, 404, 99, 405 and 403 are my friends."

"I see. Okay then. Thank you for your time."

"Bi!" I say while leaving the room

The question. I think that the everyone's answers are going to make the matches.



Its because of the break so you know you gotta spend time with the fam.

Other then that I need to tell you something.

ARIGATO GOZAIMASU FOR THE 12K READS. When I saw my book reached 12k I was like literally crying. And the only people I have to thank is you guys. So thanks so much for reading my book!!

And as I always say make sure to comment, vote or follow for more!

Ps I finally got a phone and its an LG G3!!

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