Sean Green- Chapter 5

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Brunswick, Maine- 1815- Dr. Sean Green

Chapter 5

Owen is barely hanging on. I was right, he has become more ill every day. He hasn't much time left. I fear I will lose my friend and I simply cannot let that happen. If Owen will not allow me to give him the new herbal remedies that are said to help, I will find another way to heal my friend.

I have sent word of my troubles to my childhood mentor, Dr. Roberts. He travels often, so I fear the last residence he occupied may be vacant. The thought leaves me uneasy. Dr. Roberts is my last option. I do not know what I will do if he cannot be found in time.

I have spent the last week by the side of Owen, helping him in every way he will allow. The man is stubborn, even when he is hardly coherent.

"Owen, why must you be this way?" I whisper to him as he sleeps. "I have no one else to call my family. You cannot die and leave me alone."

As expected, he does not respond. The fever has left him tired much of the time.

With a defeated sigh, I stand and go to make some tea. A knock has me startled. No one has come to Owen's home in some time for fear of becoming ill themselves.

Answering the door, I see a man riding away on his horse. I look around and find a letter on the ground by the door. Excitement courses through me, as I pick it up and see it is from Dr. Roberts. He has responded!

I hurry inside and open the letter quickly, praying that Dr. Roberts has the answers I so desperately need.

Dear Dr. Green,

I am so saddened to receive word of Owen's loss as well as his decline in health. No doctor, that I am aware of, has a cure for the illness that is spreading like wildfire.

My heart sinks and I can feel my eyes begin to leak. So that is the end, I cannot do anything more for Owen. My best friend. My brother. My family.

I shake my head, and continue to read Dr. Robert's letter. Perhaps he has a suggestion for a way to help Owen be more comfortable.

Dr. Green, I have known you since you were a very small boy. You were always destined to be a doctor. But more important, you were destined to be Owen's family. The two of you together would be able to do great things in the world.

I have a secret, my friend. A secret that very few people know and one I cannot tell you. My secret will help Owen if you can follow my instructions.

Akecheta is a Shaman that can be found on the banks of the river hidden in the forest. He will be your only hope, Sean. I cannot promise you will get the answers you seek. I can only hope you and Owen are found worthy of such a gift.

I hope to see you and Owen soon, my friend.


Dr. Roberts

Many thoughts are flitting through my mind as I stand. What might a Shaman be able to do for us? What should Owen and I be worthy of?

What secrets does my mentor have?

There is one thought that is clear as day. I will do whatever needs to be done to help Owen, starting with a trip into the forest. Owen hasn't much time, so I decide that I must leave this moment to find this man. I make sure to tuck Dr. Robert's letter into my jacket. I leave a note for Owen by his bed, to insure he knows I should not be gone long and I will be back as soon as possible to care for him.

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