Chapter 4

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We walked towards the bench in the middle of campus. This was always the place that we went to when one of us was upset. It was quiet and not a lot of people knew about the bench under the willow tree despite it being located at the center of campus. We still had forty five minutes until class started so the campus was pretty quiet at this point.

"Ok so I know you love Aaron Mathews. You practically stalk him. But I don't think Aaron can be the love of your life if you don't even know him in reality. I know you lived in England, but its a pretty big place so if you met him once why would he ever remember you?" Steph asked as soon as we sat down.

It kind of pissed me off that she didn't even think for one moment that I would know him. "I do not stalk him!" I said offended

"You practically keep notes on him. You know where they are at all times."

"Ok maybe I do stalk him. Back to the point. I do know Aarom. He was my best friend for as long as I can remember until right before I moved here. He lived across the hall from me in our apartment building. Our mothers went to college together and then they decided to live in the same building. We were practically forced to like each other not that that was hard, it is Aaron. Who doesn't like him. He's sweet, funny, thoughtful..."

"Ok we get the point Aaron was the "perfect" guy. But then you fell in love?" Steph interrupted me.

"Sorry I got a little side tracked. Anyway, I had a crush on him for the longest time. I thought it was really obvious, but he never made a move. He was always dating other girls and I was always there to pick up the pieces when his relationships ended. Honestly everyone thinks he's the heartbreaker, but he's actually a really sensitive guy. Right before I moved he threw me this big party and everybody got smashed. The next day I walked over to his apartment to say goodbye. When I got back I was packing when I heard a knock on the door. When I got to my front door I noticed that there was a note slid under the door."

I reached into my purse and pulled out the crumpled up piece of paper that I carried around in my purse. When I handed it to a shocked Steph I realized just how pathetic this looked. As her eyes scanned the paper I could see her brown eyes just about bulge out of her head.

"Holy shit! What happened! This is the most romantic thing I have ever read?" Steph practically screamed in my ear.

"Well when I went into the hallway and I was practically crying. And we kissed. It was the best kiss I have ever had not that I have had that many... But I was about to leave for the States and he was going to try out for X-Factor..."

"So you both decided to wait and now that he is here you guys will get back together and get married and have lots of little Lilas and Aaronss running around?!" Steph exclaimed.

"That's not what exactly happened..." I said as I found my shoes quite interesting at the moment.

There was a moment of silence before Steph practically screamed. "No! Lila Erin McShane. You did not run out on him!"

How does she know me so well. "I kind of ran back into the apartment and left and ignored his calls and drove away in a cab as he was breaking down in the middle of a rainstorm watching my cab drive away..." I said really quickly avoiding Steph's gaze.

"But why didn't he call?"

"I changed my number specifically for that reason. There is no way I could possibly hear his voice begging me to give us a chance. I was starting a new life and so was he. It just wasn't meant to be."

"Whatever you just have commitment issues. You need to get your head out of your ass and go get your boy Lila." Steph said with a snort.

"It's too late..." I sigh.

"Why would you say that?"

"I looked right at him for at least 15 seconds and he didn't even flinch." Tears brim my eyes as I recall the moment that crushed all my hope of ever being with Aaron.

"If what you told me actually happened, then there is no way he forgot you..."

"It doesn't matter I need to move on. I can't be with him and why would he want to be with me if he could have a hotter funnier nicer girl."

"Ok... Listen up. I am not going to sit here and listen to you whine and mope about your lovey Arron fucking Mathews or whatever... You are going to get off your ass and move on. I don't care if you have to sleep with half this school to forget about him, but it is going to happen." Steph said as she stood up and gave me her hand.

"He doesn't get to forget about Lila McShane and leave you here fantasizing about him. Understand?" She practically screams.

"I like the way you think." I said as I reached for her hand and stood up laughing.

With a new way of thinking I was ready to take whatever life threw at me even if that meant having classes with Aaron. At least that's what I thought.

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