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"It's your turn," I mumble shaking Jenny awake.

"Fuck you," she mumbles back and rolls away.

"I got him last time."

"Yeah and you get him the next 500 times," she retorts.

I grin and think back to the day six months ago that we made that deal. I roll over to kiss my pregnant wife then I get up and head to baby Johnny's room.

At 8 months, Johnny should be sleeping through the night but he's been going through a phase lately. It seems as soon as the clock hits two a.m. he's ready to play.

I walk through the door and my son starts kicking his legs and giggling.

"Come on bud, its sleepy time," I say lifting up my boy.

He starts talking to me with his baby coos and I walk around to settle him. Johnny is a pudge ball. I tease Jenny by telling her he doesn't get it from me but she knows I was the fat kid back in middle school.

I walk through the halls of what Jen calls our monstrosity of a house. She acts like she doesn't love it but I know she does. She has hundreds of picture lining the halls and more around the common rooms.

I smile as I see my daughter's hospital picture and think back to the birth of my first child. Jenny swore she was going to kill me for letting her say no to the drugs, then she swore she was going to kill me for putting our little girl inside of her but as soon as Julianna was placed in her arms all was forgiven.

My wife may be a tough ex-special forces CIA agent but she spoils our daughter like you wouldn't believe.

She's creating a monster in pink.

I laugh when I see our most recent family picture. Two year old Julie has the biggest smile on her face while Jenny and I try to settle the screaming Three month Johnny. It was only a week later when we found out we were going to be adding another to our family.

Next is our wedding photos. I still can't believe I tricked Jen into marrying me. Four years next week. She was so mad at me for building this house. Even more mad when she actually saw how big it was. Almost four years of silly arguments and I still love her with all I am, maybe more.

With a less awake Johnny in my arms I peek into Julianna's room. My big three year old is the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She takes after Jen, there is no doubt about it with her long brown hair and big eyes. I tell my wife that Julie's looks come from me but it's a joke. The girl is a spitting image of her mother. My baby is snoring with her butt up in the air. I chuckle. Just like her mother.

By the time I get back to his room my little man is asleep on my shoulder. I lay him down and brush his hair back.

Damn I make good looking kids.

I crawl back into my bed and pull my wife back to me.

"Was he alright?" she whispers over her shoulder in her sleepy voice.

"Yeah, Jenny-girl," I rub my hand over her pregnant belly and kiss her bare shoulder.

"God I love you pregnant."

"I know you do. You keep doing this to me," she grumbles back.

I chuckle thinking back to the day she found out she was pregnant again.

"Fuck you."

"Come on Jenny."

I chased her through the parking lot of the doctor's office but when I got to the car she had locked me out.

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