5- It's a Man's Game

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I came downstairs a while later with wet hair, a plain t-shirt and yoga pants. I stepped off of the last step and heard manly yells coming from the living room.

Rolling my eyes, I head that way and see the two shitheads locked onto the TV playing Madden. I clear my throat and both turn.

"Sorry beautiful, this is a man's game. Why don't you run along into the kitchen and see if Rosa needs any help."

I ignore John's sexist remark and grab Rico's controller right out of his hand. I see that his team, the Miami Dolphins, is on offense at John's 30 yard line and I smirk.

I start the play, see that John is going to blitz, hand off to my running back, dodge all of the defense and run in for a touchdown.

Rico is laughing his ass off, I smirk and John just looks pissed.

"I was just going easy on you. You couldn't do it again. It was a fluke."

"Alright John, let me finish the game then. When I win you'll realize you suck, and I am better than you," I say.

He mumbles and un-pauses the game.

20 minutes later the Miami Dolphins beat the Patriots 24 to 7.

Pissed, John tosses his controller and stands.

"I'm going to the bar," he says and heads towards the stairs.

Rico, who has been extremely amused throughout the whole afternoon, stands too.

"Well J, go get ready. It looks like we're going out tonight."


That bitch.

She's so fucking hot, I've be been fighting a hard on all afternoon. But she's cocky as hell and don't forget stuck up as well.

Somebody needs to teach her a lesson and I know just who.

I come downstairs and Rico messing with his hair in my hallway mirror.

"Bro, no matter how hard you try, you'll still be ugly as hell."

He turns and grins at me.

"I don't know bro, your mug is uglier than mine but, from what I hear it's been working for you."

I smile then get down to what I really wanted to talk about.

"So about your partner,"

"Look man," he jumps right in, "she has kind of a strong personality but I swear if you get to know her you're going to love her. She's probably upstairs freaking out because she thinks you hate her. Probably the first thing she's gonna do when she gets down here is apologize. She always does that. I swear she is the most competitive person I know but she always feels bad when she wins."

I laugh.

"Chill bro, I was just going to ask if you thought I could tap that tonight or, if I would need to put a full week of effort in?"

"Are you shitting me?" He actually looks pissed.

"Tell me you didn't just say that."

"Woah, calm down Rico. If you're working something there I'll back off."

"No I'm not 'working something there'," he says imitating my voice very rudely, "and you will back off. That girl is my best friend. She is family and she will not be treated like one of your sluts. She needs a man who treats her like a queen and not someone like you who will use her and lose her. I am forbidding you from pursuing her."

Are you kidding me?

"You can't forbid me from anything."

Suddenly I'm up against the wall with a knife to my throat and Rico's face right in mine. I mentally roll my eyes. Seriously twice in one day I'm put in this position?

"I just did," he says, then drops me down when someone starts coming down the stairs.

"Hey Rico, this place isn't another college club right?"

I see her and I swear my heart stops. My dick doesn't though. I lower my jacket so it covers the bulge in my jeans because I can't even try to fight it right now. She's wearing leather pants. Really tight, leather pants with boots to match! High heeled boots. Her long hair is down in natural waves and she put a little makeup on but, not much. Kind of how she had it when she first got here.

Jesus her lips just make me think of blow jobs.

She's been talking this whole time but I don't even know what she's saying. All I can focus on is her ass in those pants and her mouth moving as she swings her arms around.

"John!" Rico's voice snaps me out of my reverie.

I look up ant they are both looking at me.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said, I was sorry about earlier. Sometimes I get a little competitive and I forget that it's rude. I was an asshole." Jen says with a face that reminds me of a sorry puppy.

"You weren't an asshole, I was. I shouldn't have acted like I did," I put out my hand for a shake, "friends?"

She looks at my hand for a minute and then jumps at me and wraps her arms around me.

"Friends." she says and that's when I know.

I know I won't be able to obey Rico and stay away. This girl is like a magnet and I can't help but be drawn to her.

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