Bloody fall

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  Peter and I got to the station and verified the body and our report.

It was an hour or so until Brian showed up. He smiled at us like he knew what happened and I kinda got embarrassed and my cheeks were so red and on fire. Then Peter grabbed my hand and held it because I was shaking.

Anyways it was about 2:36 pm and Peter and I were heading out the station with a cop of coffee and a few case files.

I told Peter that I was feeling good at all today so he could just drop me off and I could see him tomorrow or something.

"Peter can you just drop me off at the front. You don't have to come in. Okay?"

"Is everything okay Cali. Did I do something?"

"No it's not you Peter I just don't feel quite good right now I just want to lay down in my bed and rest. That's all."

"Okay. I'll come check up on you later tonight".

"UM NO that's okay. I'll just be sleeping nothing else. Nothing else to do at all."

"Well okay then I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning then?"

"Yea sure. See you tomorrow morning. Oh and if you call and I sign answer I'll be sleeping. At home. In my bed." 

"Okay? Sounds great."

So I opened the door to get out and I'm about to close the fore when I slipped and fell in a warm hot liquid and busted my head on the curb next to trash can.

Peter gets out and starts running around the car to see if I'm okay. He yells if I'm okay and I didn't respond once.

The reason I didn't respond was because when I busted my head on the curb I passed out.

Peter comes running up and bends down in front of Cali. He has a startled face and then he gets his phone out and presses one button and it directs him to his station and tells them that he needs help. A women who is in her early twenties hit her head on the curb by slipping and falling. The detective on the phone wasn't Brian so Peter couldn't exactly say Cali slipped and fell.

The detective asked questions as Peter followed through on everything he said. He asked Peter how did she slip? What did she slip on? Where were you at, at the time this accident happened? Is this women breathing? Is she cautioned?

Peter responded back truthfully. Okay the women I was with is named Cali. She's 22 years old and I was dropping her off coming from the station on a different case. She slipped on.....

And as Peter was about to tell the detective on the phone what she slipped in he didn't know. He looked down and he felt it and looked at his hand it was blood. He dropped the phone and tried to talk to Cali.

He picked the phone back up and screamed  "call an ambulance!! NOW!!!"

Peter said "she slipped in blood and she was getting out of my vehicle. She is still breathing but her pulse is weak. I really need that ambulance now detective"

Then not another word the detective called them and told Peter that their right around the corner. Peter dropped the phone and was holding Cali's hand and telling her everything will be okay.

The ambulance arrived and took her and she was gaining consciousness.

" Pete....r"

Peter came closer and said "I'm here Cali what's wrong"

"I wasn't sick I had a thing with someone at the club tonight. I'm sorr....."

And before she could say sorry she passed out and didn't have a heart beat. The nurses told Peter to move out of the way and that they needed room they had to get her heart beating again. So they tried and tried and Peter started to tear up.

She finally got a heartbeat but it was a fate and short heartbeat. If they didn't get to the hospital soon and have surgery on her head she wouldn't survive.

Peter didn't know what to do and he couldn't think straight. He thought to himself and was wondering what she meant.

"(I wasn't sick I just had a thing with someone at the club tonight.) like what the hell did that mean. I don't know who she was meeting with. If it was important she wouldn't be told me right? And why would she lie to me. No I'm worried about her more than ever now. Who's blood was that anyways??" 

He looked up and his eyes were so red and watery. The nurse asked him are you lovers. He said "we just started dating today she's was officially my girl and I don't want her to slip. Please help her!!"

Peter called in his station to make sure they were at the scene to find out who's blood she slipped in.

Turns out she slipped in another victims blood. This victim was actually set up in her home on her couch. With the same marks as the one from the first one Cali saw after running.

This victim had a message though. It said
Cali must die. Cali must die. Cali must suffer like she made me suffer.

When Peter herd all that he was kinda pleased that she didn't walk into that mess but he was also very upset that she slipped and feel and now couldn't possibly make the surgery because of this serial killer.

Peter had to do one thing before he could go in to see how the surgery is going. He has to call her family members.

He tried to get in contact with her family but it turns out her mother has been dead since she was 15 years old and her father is a drunk who doesn't care about anyone or anything unless he gets money. Cali does has a younger brother though and he got in contact with him.

Peter called him.

Ring ring ring ring
"Hi this is detective bishop is this Caleb Evans?"
"Yes and may I ask why your calling sir?"
"Well is your sister Cali Evans?"
"Yes. Is she Okay!!?  Did something happened? I haven't spoken to her since she left home!"
"Caleb you have to calm down. I need you to come to Tombcarry Hospital. Can you do that?"
"Yes I'm on my way."

Hangs up

Peter felt like he shouldn't tell her little brother over the phone what happened so he'll just have to tell him face to face. Peter also doesn't know what Caleb looks like so he'll have to pay attention to anyone panicking and asking for a detective around the waiting room.

Peter is waiting in the waiting room.

A doctor came out of the big doubled doors and looked disappointed. Peter got up and walked over to the doctor. Peter was crying and couldn't say anything to him and Peter was waiting for the doctors to say something. To say anything really.

Doc: "well we have a little problem detective"....................

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