Seriously Him!!!

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I walked closer him. And I can see he was using again.

"You didn't answer me why are you here Jason"

"Baby I love you I just had to find you and you know playing hide and seek doesn't mean you hide in another state" and you can so tell he was not only drunk but also using. And this is very bad.

My ex boyfriend is literally standing in front of me.

"Jason I left for a reason why did you come an find me the police said you had to stay away from what you did to me" I said that as calmly as I could.

"Baby c'mon i love you it's not like I burned you I just hit you a couple of times to put you in line I can't have my girls out there working without paying me some money" he smirks.

Detective Bishop out him in cuffs and say him on the curb. He slowly walked toward me. He has his little notebook out and getting ready to ask me questions. Looks up at me with his green eyes and his dark brown hair and says "what's that guys relation to you? Did he hurt?" And when he said that last part he had a frown and a mad face in disgust.
"He is my ex boyfriend but I got out of the relationship because he beat me to the ground because I wouldn't give him money for his drinks. And then when I tired to leave the first time he yanked my wrist back and It broke my wrist." And as I said that Jason was running over here and trying to head butt me and saying "you lying bitch I wish you go to hell" and then he try's to spit at me but before that could happen Detective Bishop kneed him in the balls and slammed him down to the curb.

"Detective can I have a word with you" as I said in almost a whisper.
"Call me peter. And are you okay do I need to put this guy in his place for you."
"No Detec-Peter I'm just saying thank you and you need to watch out for him he tends to get away with a lot of things"
"Thank you Cali but I got it from here what you need to do is go home and take a shower and try and relax I'll e over to ask more questions later this afternoon"
"Okay"and then I turn and slowly walk away when I think I don't have a ride home. Peter walks next to me and smiles and says " Cali um you don't have a ride home do you?" and I smiled and said "I can run home"
And as I start running I feel Detectives hands grab my waist. And then I'm pulled into his chest.
" I guess I'm taking you home this morning" he says chuckling.
So we get into his black SUV and we drive off in a direction. I told him where I lived and we got there in no time.
He gets out and walks around the front and opens the car door and says after you Cali.
I walk fast and said " okay this is where I get home take a shower and relax until you question me". He looks at me and says or this is where I walk youth your door and compliment your appearance and ask you for some coffee tomorrow morning".

"Sorry I have a boyfriend" trying to keep a straight face. And with that his smiled turned into a frown and he said "I didn't know I'm sorry if I came off a little pushy and stuff" and as soon as he said that I burst out laughing and told him I was kidding and he was like "for someone who haut seen a dead girl you seem fine" and then it just sunk in I just seen a dead body first time in my life.

All if a sudden my chest gets heavy and I can't talk not can I breath. So I panicked and grabbed my chest and try to ask for help.
Detective Bishop knew what was happening and he cradles me on the floor rocking me and saying " sshhhh it's okay Cali your having a panic attack and you just need to catch your breath"
After a couple of mins of that I tilted my head and looked at the most beautiful man I have seen and said "bishop can we have some of that coffee now" he just laughed and nodded his head and try to help get me up.

After we got coffee we head back to my place and we sat down on my sofa. I asked if he wanted anything and he mumbled something out of his moth that I couldn't quite tell like " I would like to kiss those lips of yours Cali". But I guess I was tired and herd that. And turned and said what did you say and he pushed his head up and said "oh you herd that I'm so sorry it's just your so attractive and I mean I rather not other guys look at you like your something to eat when obviously you deserve more and I mean to say is that I would like to kiss you Cali and ever since we meet your eyes and your personality is by far amazing"

Right now I couldn't believe what I am hearing because this seems really unlikely true or even to ever happen to me. I just don't get lucky to have a hot Detective say I'm attractive and that he wants to kiss me. I'm speechless. He gets up and starts leaving my house because I didn't say anything to him.

"Detec-Peter wait!!! It's oka----" and before I could say anything else he was laying I the ground after opening my door when a gun shot was herd.

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