On with My Life

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    So guys Kristen Stewart is Cali Evans and I just want you guys to know I love ya and thank you and give a shout out to lesliemcadam and my sister Dah_Weirdo have fun reading!!!!!


     So it's been two days since I kissed Detective bishop.

   The best moment of my life.

You know his lips were so Freaken soft and I didn't want to leave him especially with his hands warped around me so tightly.

  Ring ring ring. I picked up my phone and and answered with a confused hello because it was private caller ID.

  "Is this Cali Hart?"

    " why yes this is and who might this be?" I said

    " this is Detective Brain you may know my partner Detective Bishop anyways I need you to come back to the police station so when can rewrite your statement and we need you and the Detective that asked you question to confirm that this is the body you both saw"

     "Well you see I can't do that because....." And I said this because we wants me to see Detective Bishop and I don't think I can do that after I kissed him. "Because...... I have plans too and I'm busy maybe done other time"

   "Cali I know what happened between you and my partner does that have anything to so with you not wanting to show up" he said this in a deep voice and demanding.

    "Waaahhhaaaaaattt!!!!! No. It has nothin- okay okay how did YOU know?"

   He chuckled and said "maybe because when I walked in you walked out of the room frustrated with him and he said that you kissed him goodbye. But Cali let me tell you that he doesn't do well with goodbyes not ever since his family left him with no support or anything and especially his ex girlfriend kayla."

    I felt really horrible bow. Of all the times I said good bye to guys I picked the perfect Freaken man to do it to and I'm saying this sarcastically.

  "Well maybe I can do it what time and when?" I said quickly hoping he didn't hear that request.

    "Great this Tuesday at let's say around 7am". He said with a happy kinda voice.

   "Fine but I need a ride there my car is broke and I don't know what's wrong with it" and as soon as I said that he had to reply with

   "Okay I'll have Bishop pick you up and no ifs ands and buts about it"

  Before I could refuse he hung up and I was left to beeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp. 

Oh my Jesus he has to pick me up on Tuesday in the morning around seven. What the hell am I suppose to say or even how do I greet him.


Tuesday 5:39am

I can't go back to sleep. Damn the only thing I can think of is him. Why him and why does he affect me as much as I effect him. What's so damn great about Detective Bishop. I don't know but I guess I can go take a shower. Nahhhh I don't want yet I'll wait until 6. Hehehe.

6:05am okay get up take a shower try to look? Uh look...... Well I'm just going to look BAD omg if I look bad then he won't like me anymore and i won't effect him this is an awesome plan. Cali score 1 Detective score 000.

After I got out of the shower I looked at the time and it was 6:25 "damn can te go any slower". So I walked to my closet and open up. "What to wear, what wear". I said to myself.
Then I saw it I saw the ugliest outfit my senior picture day outfit. It was a jean miniskirt with a hello kitty short sleeve T-shirt. He's gonna think I'm Freaken ugly hahah my plan is working I look like a giant kid. Not only that my hair is half up and half down. But my makeup is the same as usual the winged eyeliner and the baby lips Chapstick.

It's about 7:01am and I still sitting on my couch waiting.

Then I hear a knock. It's him Bishop, Peter Bishop. I opened the door and I see him with a a white T-shirt and some sweats. He looked at me and started to laugh.

"I'm Cali is that what your wearing?"

"Yes why what wrong with it?"

"Well I'm not so sure if you should but considering the fact your trying to get me to think your ugly when your more fucking hot this way too so you pick be normally hot or be extra your call" as he America at me.

"First I am not hot and second that kiss was a mistake!" Was is it? Nah it wasn't but I couldn't tell him that.

"Oh yea I it was a mistake then why are you trying so hard to look ugly when you say it was mistake and it didn't mean anything. Well obviously-........"

Before he could say anything else I walked closer to him and I was centimeters away from his mouth to mine.
He shut up real quick.

"So can I say that I don't care now"

And I slowly start to turn to walk out my door when I felt a sudden hand grabbing mine and then the other hand cupped my face and slowly puts his lips on mine and then he kisses me so passionately. I couldn't believe what is happening.

First he told me he rather me leave and never come back and then all of a sudden he's kissing me. wtf Peter make up your damn mind.

When we pulled away I smiled a little and he said "do you care now" and I looked into his eyes and said "I'm sorry for leaving you put you told me too" trying to put that one as an excuse.

"And you would listen to the dumb shit I say Cali. Wow I do have an effect on you" and he smiled and had a little chuckle with that.

"You do not have an effect in me" I said that as I was smiling and hit him lightly in the gut forgetting that he just got shot three days ago.
"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot"

"It's okay you just but me through pain" but really he was lying and I didn't care because that meant I could've definitely gave him another kiss but jot on his lips.

I gently pushed him against the door making the door close behind him and I lifted his shirt up and I started with his upper chest. I kissed there and went slowly down and trailing my tongue with kisses. His abs gets tighter as I get to the middle and he tighten ups more when I get below.

What the hell am I thinking doing this to Detective Bishop. But I like it and he likes it so I guess it's fine.

I stopped to look up and his eyes where closed but when he realizes I stopped he said "are you okay" and I smiled at him and I got up.

"So about ME being effected I think it's you effected".
"Ya right i was totally not effected but you still are you wanna know how?" He asked me


With that invitation he slowly puts his hand on my waist and smoothly goes down to my thigh and over to the middle touching my ahem. I gasped and and grabbed his hand.

"I told Miss Evans that you were effected" and right before I could te back at him.

Ring ring ring.

Damn his phone.

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