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Keneisha's POV

While I was walking down the corridor, I saw Justine with a blonde guy, I'm guessing it's her new boyfriend. But whatever I still prefer being single and not giving a fuck about boyfriends and stuff.

I opened the door to my classroom and everyone, as in everyone in the classroom was staring at me. I just smiled at them but my smile was that kind of awkward smile.

"Ms. Fletcher you are late again"

What? How am I late? I'm sure that I dro- oh... Did I stared at Justine and that gorgeous blonde boy for 2 minutes? What the heck?

"I'm sorry Mrs. Dawson, I won't do it again next time"

She just gave me a nasty stare. And I just rolled my eyes at her. I took out my phone secretly and turned on my 3G to text Luke.


Kinepot: where u at hemmo?

Luke_is_a_penguin: school :-(

Kinepot: rly? What school r u in?

Luke_is_a_penguin: High Hills HS Academy wby?

Kinepot: WTF

Luke_is_a_penguin: WHY


Luke_is_a_penguin: WHAT

Kinepot: what section u at tHO

Luke_is_a_penguin: RubY U?


Luke_is_a_penguin: WTF SAPPHIRE??!1!2

Kinepot: YAS WTF

Luke_is_a_penguin: Omg gtggtgtg the teacher is getting suspicious at Me now lol can we meet later? Lunch?

Kinepot: Sure Lucas ahaha bye

Luke_is_a_penguin: (~;

Kinepot: wtf

<Sent 08:04 AM>


I'm very glad that he also had his 3G on too. Because I really needed someone to talk to right now. And luckily he was there and- wait is it really 08:04? How did that even happen? well I guess time really passes by when you're having fun


It was finally lunch time and it was finally time to see Luke. I wonder what does he looks like? What if he's a w-

"Uh, Keneisha?"

I heard someone call me from behind and I think it's Luke.

I slowly turned around and my eyes widened to see what Luke looks like "H-hey, Luke?"

He nodded in response. And I nodded my head too. God, this was way more awkward than expected. And also, he was the guy that Justine was talking to earlier.

"So uh, what n-" I cut him off

"You're taller than I expected"

"Well. You, Keneisha Young, is smaller than I expected" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes in response. I turned away for a while to think of a great comeback.

"Well, You. Luke Hemmings has- You..an-wha..- you're a breadstick"

"Whatever, wanna hangout?" He smiled and he wiggled his eyebrows which I think was creepy and funny at the same time. Don't even ask why is it creepy.

"Sure b-" he cut me off

"Yey!" He squealed "we'll hangout at dismissal wait for me at the parking lot, kay?" Wow. I found this guy very attractive

"S-sure, yeah" Oh my god I'm slapping myself mentally for being too awkward.

Luckily the Bell rang and I can finally get outta this conversation because I'm just making it awkward as hell.


Class went by too quick. But hey, now I can go home and re- oh, I still have to hangout with Luke. Goddamit. Why today? Ugh. Well, I agreed anyways..

But right now I'm waiting for Luke, Just like he said earlier. I feel so weirded out of this place because there are loads of cool kids and stuff. It makes me feel really, really uncomfortable.

Just then, 3 boys (with their girlfriends by their side— except for Luke tho) came to my direction. I noticed that it was already Luke because of that blonde quiff and that 'The Beatles" T-shirt he was wearing earlier.

"Hey, Keneisha!" Luke greeted me, I just smiled at him. He signalled the other 2 boys to come closer to him.

"Keneisha, this is Calum" he pointed over to the guy with brown hair and a blonde streak in it. "This is Michael" he pointed over to the guy who has some kind of blue hair. "And this is Mikayla, Michael's girlfriend" he pointed over the girl with ombre blond hair. "Annnd" his voice trailed off "this is Cassandra but we call her Cassie" Luke then finished off with a smile which caused a dimple to pop up on his cheeks

"Hey guys!" I waved at them. "Everyone, this is Keneisha-" I cut him off. "But just call me kine" I finished my sentence with a grin. Wow, I'm gaining new friends today.


"So, are you dating Luke?" Mikayla asked. "What? No!" I giggled and she just nodded and raised her eyebrows like she's giving me the "I-don't-believe-you" look.

"So girls" Calum said as he hoped inside the car. "Where do y'all wanna go?" Calum continued.

"Oh I know where!"

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