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Drag you down below 

Into the darkest depths of your soul...

Ever so slowly losing control

Can't cling to reality 

Stuck in this fantasy 

Go ahead, Tell yourself

"This is just a dream"

Their claws stroke your cheek...

Stealing away your ability to speak

Hear their laughs, A blood curlling scream

It fills your ears

Feel that? Those chills

Running down your spine 

As you realize...

That ungodly sound

Seeming to come from all around...

Belong to you...

So go on, Keep screaming

No one can hear you

There's no one there

Still think this is a dream?

I can assure you, It's not

Go on, Keep denying

Try to wake

Take your time

They can wait

Cause you're gonna see..

It's far too late...

There is no way out

There's really no use in lying...

We both know it's true

You belong here...

With every fear, Every doubt

Why can't you just accept it?

It's easier that way

Cause like it or not..You're here to stay...

So come play with us

Please, Stop making such a fuss

It's really unsightly 

If you'd just stop, For one second

And listen...

You will hear

What I've been trying to tell you all along..

This, My friend...

Is your nightmare...

This poem was inspired by: Avenged Sevenfold and their song "Nightmare". They're a really good band. Should check 'em out. 

Poems, from a "troubled" soul (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now