An Act

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  Open the door
Step out side
Take to the stage
Time to hide
What's  inside

As the curtains  goes up

Its time to start 

Put on that smile 

Make eye contact

Give that well rehearsed line

"Yes, I'm fine"

As always

They buy it

I must admit

I'm disappointed

At how easily 

My "friends"

My "Family"

Believe me

All I have to say

"Yes, I'm okay"

And they go on their way

Never seeing

The smile 

Slip away

So much hides behind this grin

It may be a sin

Telling this lie

But God knows

How I try

To make them see

They just ignore

As I count down the hours

Till At long last

The day comes to an end

Take a bow

Curtains close
Shut the door..

No need to pretend
Not right now

I lie in bed

Running those lines through my head

Hoping Someone, Anyone

Will finally see

This.. Is  

Nothing more

Than an Act...  

Copyright 2013, All Rights Resereved.

Poems, from a "troubled" soul (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now