Some things..

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Like fire, and water

Oil, and vinegar

Some things, just

Shouldn’t go together

And we try, we try so hard

To make it work

He’s a jerk, she’s a well

You know

Yet, you still try

But, why?

Is it really worth the late nights

The endless fights?

The pain it causes

Your heart

Your mind

Do you really think

You can’t find

Something better

Can’t you see

Just, what it does to them

Your friends, your family

There’s only so much

One can take

Before, you say


That, drives them away

For good

I’ve stood

On the side, and watched this

So many times...

Watching these victims

Of  crimes, so unspeakable

And though we seem like it

We’re not unbreakable

You say, we don’t understand

You’re right, we don’t

We don’t get, why

You stay

Why you take

So much pain

So please, explain

Tell us, why

Why you won’t leave

This hell

I've told you once, dear cousin

But, you didn't listen

So, I'll say it again

Like fire,and water

Oil, and vinegar

You and her

Just, don't go together...

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Poems, from a "troubled" soul (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now