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Welcome...Do come in..

Don't mind, Those things at your feet

They're just my demons

They like to roam about

Please, Try not to stare at them

They find it rather rude..

No need to stand there...

Pull up a chair

Have a look around...

Hmm? Oh, those jars on the self

Just a small collection

Nothing special 

Don't mind those things floating in them

Just, fingers...ears...eyeballs..

I'm kidding!

Sort of..

The pictures on the walls?

My past relatives, Old friends

All since past, Having met their end

But enough about that, Tell me about you

What sort of things do you like to do?

Any hobbies?

Me? I have a few

Drawing, Reading, Writing..

Collecting mostly though...

Well, Would you look at the time?

It's getting rather late..

I'd hate to see you go..

But, You know

All things must come to an end...

You feel them now.. Don't you?

Crawling up your leg

Don't bother to beg

They won't listen...

See those claws?

They're perfect, For ripping meat

Off your bones

Rather painful I'm sure

Don't worry though

It'll all be over soon...

They have very massive jaws

Don't they?

Why am I even talking? You can't hear me..

Not over those screams you insist on making..

I may as well just, sit here..

And watch as they sallow you whole..

My pets...Do try to save the soul...

I think it'll make a nice edition

To my ever growing collection...

Hear that?

The knock on the door..

We have another visitor

Quickly! Clean up this god awful mess!

While I go to greet our new guest...

Poems, from a "troubled" soul (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now