Chapter 6- Aaron

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So i don't think it's as good as the others, i don't know what went wrong but i'm still editing and i will update when i get it right. So this is the rough copy. 


We all seated at the table, a couple of minutes later, Caitlin came through. She seated opposite to me and we all turned to look at her. She shrunk slightly in her seat, afraid off all the pressure.

“Why didn’t you want to leave the building?” I asked her calmly.

            I noticed she sat up a bit straighter realising that we probably weren’t going to yell at her, we just wanted answers. Her Mom shot her an encouraging smile and Caitlin sighed. She took one of her perfectly manicured nails and started to scrap it against the table. It didn’t really make a noise; well if it did then I couldn’t hear it. I stared at it for a while but snapped away from my gaze when she began to talk.

“I just feel like no-one understands me. It’s just so hard with my OCD and I just feel as if the treatment is going no-where,” she began and as she talked she gained more confidence, then looked to me, “Not to be rude but how are you suppose to help me if you don’t even know me.”

            She looked down after that, feeling guilty about expressing that opinion.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered.

            I looked to her parents her were dumbstruck from her sudden outburst. She stared at her hands in her lap, rubbing them together. I followed my eyes before standing up, I moved over to the kitchen and brought back one of her many bottles of sanitizer. She smiled slightly as she applied a generous amount to her hands.

“See,” I began, “I know what you need. It’s just I really need your trust and also over time we’ll get to know each other.”

            Caitlin met my gaze for a second, I noticed her eyes glistening with tears, was she going to burst into tears on me again. She broke the connection when a phone rang. Caitlin’s dad answered it in an instance and was chatting away when he hung up.

“Work need us hun,” he said to Mrs Williams.

“Will you two be alright? And Caitlin, are you really okay?” she asked, standing up.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine Mom and I’ll be okay, it’s just going to take time,” Caitlin answered, hugging her Mom.

            Her Mom kissed her head before leaving with her dad. She turned to me; I raided my brain for a thought on what to do next. Then, it came to me.

“Okay, so I want to try something,” I started, breaking the awkward silence.

            Caitlin nodded and followed me as I headed into the kitchen. I washed my hands, mainly to please Caitlin and then took a bit of butter on my finger. I walked to her and she froze slightly. As I moved my finger towards her nose, I noticed panic filled her eyes.

“But you can’t, why are you…”

            She was cut on when my finger wiped the drop of button on her nose; she froze but kept concentrating on my eyes, trying to keep a fixed point. She had also stopped breathing, how long was I going to leave it on? A couple of seconds later, I wiped the spot off and I heard her let out a sigh of relief. I chuckled slightly.

“See that wasn’t so bad? Now, tomorrow, see if you can leave it on for longer,” I suggested.

            She nodded and then looked down at herself, she wasn’t big on talking, she was a very solitaire character. We were both still in our clothes from this morning. Both of us were covered in plaster from where the building collapsed.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” I offered.

            She nodded and followed me as I headed to the front door. We both stepped outside and she paused to say something.

“Nice car,” she commented with a smile on her face.

“Thanks,” I answered, following her gaze to my sports car.

            I was about to walk off when she called my name, I love the way she says my name. Her words fall like rain until I’m drowning in the sound of her voice.

“You have something on your cheek,” she explained, removing something white away from it.

            Our eyes met for a brief second when she broke the connection. I followed her with my eyes closely as she walked, closing the door behind her and I was left disappointed. What was going on with me?

* * *

It was early morning when I woke up, it had been one of those nights where no matter what I do, I just can’t sleep. It was a bad night but the reason I weren’t able to get to sleep was because I couldn’t stop thinking about Caitlin. Due to that, I decided to go for a swim; it’s where I do my best thinking. I began to swim when I see something caught in the wave; well at least I think it’s a fish. As I approach it, it took the form of what appeared to be a jelly fish but it’s in the shape of a heart, it reminds me off something cheesy you would find on Valentines Day. I followed it and it starts to lead me left. I kept swimming when I spotted a golden tail. I’ve never seen a fish with a gold tail before, it was beautiful but unusual and it drew me into a trance. Turning around the corner, I couldn’t see the mysterious creature with the tail. I followed in the same direction and I try to swim a little quicker to catch up.

Suddenly, I see a clump of blonde hair which I know to be Caitlin Williams. Than a golden tail appears, the exact same tail I saw earlier. I round the rock and see the hair followed by a tail. It’s a mermaid. Unfortunately, I couldn’t catch up, probably because she has the power in her tail and it’s more water featured than legs. I loose track and swim to the top. There wasn’t a sign of her anywhere. I dive back down and swim further in that direction. It feels like someone’s watching me so I look around and see a pair of blue eyes. There Caitlin’s yes, I wouldn’t forget her eyes. Was I seeing Caitlin, as a mermaid? 


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Book 1 of the Love series- Love Has a Price (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now