Chapter 25- Caitlin

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A scream left my lips as they wrapped me in their embrace. I began to cry, I can’t believe they’re actually here.

“What you doing here?” I asked, wiping my eyes.

“We came back for your birthday, we would have been here sooner but traffic issues,” dad answered, smiling his stupid dad smile.  

            I grinned wide and Aaron opened the wooden door wider to let them in and we all headed towards the living room. Aaron and I made our way towards the kitchen to prepare some drinks. He stared at me strangely for a couple for minutes before I turned to him showing that he had my attention. He rolled his eyes, probably at how oblivious I was being.  

“You’re pregnant, with my child, you’re dating, me,” he hinted, waving his hands like a lunatic.  

“Crap,” I muttered under my breath.

“Good luck,” he whispered, pecking my lips.

“You can’t leave it to me,” I argued.

“It’s your parents.”

“I told yours so you can tell mine,” I offered.

“Doesn’t work like that.”

            I narrowed my eyes at him and he shrugged before heading to the living room with the tin of biscuits, I followed with the tray of tea. Aaron and I were on his love seat couch and mom and dad were sat in the separate chairs. I gulped slightly but I couldn’t swallow a thing due to the lump growing alarmingly in my throat. Mom stared at me weirdly for a minute before putting her cup down. The noise it made against the glass coffee table made me shiver.

“What’s happened?” she questioned.

“Er,” I said, playing with the hem of my robe.

            Aaron stopped my hands before handing me the hand sanitizer, glad he knows me. I applied a lot of sanitizer as Aaron had to remove the bottle out of my hand before I had a handful. He gave me a tissue, which I dumped the excess sanitizer into and rubbed in the remaining liquid. The sweet smell of strawberries filled my nostrils which made me sigh. 

“Caitlin?” Dad questioned.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out but was unsure whether the speed I said it out was comprehendible.  

“What!” they screamed.

            I began to sink lower in my seat as they blabbered on for a while. Aaron sunk lower slightly, knowing he would get the blame as he was under my watch. But if they want to be exact, I was actually pregnant whilst under their watch.  

“You should have watched her more carefully,” dad yelled, turning redder by the second, “Who’s the father.”

            I looked to Aaron who probably gave the whole thing away and I saw mom gasp slightly. Once again, if I could, I would have sunk lower in my seat but it was pretty much impossible.

“Still a virgin,” Aaron pointed out before my parents could get a single word in.  

“That’s cropping up again is it?” I asked.

            He shrugged defensively and mom and dad looked to me questioningly. A sigh once again left my lips, becoming fed up with news following each other like this. They’ll probably disown me once they find out that I’m half fish. I muttered the words for a minute and dads head cocked to the side out of confusion.

“Come again?” he asked, questioning the unknown language that left my lips.  

            The image I wanted appeared from my fingers and formed the picture of my water form. Aaron grabbed the booklet from the coffee table which he was still reading, finding it very enjoyable. They stared at the page, from me to Aaron to image and looked astonished.

“When?” Mom asked.    

“Florida,” I answered, removing the image from the air.

            She nodded and took a biscuit before dunking it into her tea. She bit the end of and nodded in approval at the biscuits Aaron had selected. Aaron grabbed my hand and squeezed it to reassure me and I smiled, leaning against his shoulder. He kissed my head and my smile grew wider. Dad looked to us and pulled what just happened apart and put the pieces together. His face began to turn red at the realization of what relationship me and Aaron were in.

“I forbid this!” he yelled.

“Don’t listen to your father,” mom said after it, evidently she had already figured it out.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“The emails you sent, you were talking as if you were in love and when you opened the door to us, I saw the worry in your eyes that you had for each other, you care a lot,” Mom spoke her words of wisdom, “You’re around two months along, right?”   

            I nodded before explained everything that was between us and how this wasn’t just a fling for either of us. The only thing Aaron could seem to say was that I was a virgin and dad seemed pretty impressed with that fact every time it was mentioned. Once I was done, the room fell silent and the awkwardness lingered in the air.

“Just remember, I’m a cop, I’m trained in things, like how to use a gun,” he told Aaron.

“Daddy,” I disapproved.

            We said goodnight to them soon enough and they told me they were staying the weekend. Once the car was out of site I closed the door and turned around to face Aaron. He pushed me against the door and pressed against me.

“Now where were we before we were rudely interrupted,” he whispered in my ear seductively.

            A giggled left me as he grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs.

Book 1 of the Love series- Love Has a Price (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now