Chapter 21- Caitlin

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I really admire how Emily can just announce that with no concerns about what her parents think. Her mom was dumbfounded and her dad speechless at the news. How old was she again?  

“You’re twenty one Emily, how can you be so irresponsible,” her dad shouted at her.

            Aaron grabbed his glass and raised it to his lips before taking a sip, obviously seeming awkward about this. How can he just seat there and let his own sister sink in the deep end of the wrath of her parents. I mean seriously, he’s her brother, has he never heard off brotherly protection?

“If this helps,” I began, “I’m pregnant with your sons child and I’m seventeen and his student.”

            And all of a sudden I found eight eyes staring at me. I just took another slice of my cake and ate it, ignoring all stares or comments that would be made. The flavour of chocolate filled my mouth which was what I tried to concentrate during the time when I heard his Mom shuffled, her attention shifted abruptly to Aaron. Maybe this didn’t work like I thought it would.

“How could you Aaron?” his Mom gasped.

“Still a virgin,” he argued, pointing to me.

“Thanks for that,” I whispered in his ear.

“No problem,” he said quietly back, sending shivers down my spine at his voice.

            They cocked their heads to us, wanting an answer on what was said and I looked to Emily. I saw her mouth thank you and my head lowered to show that I saw. Aaron loosened his tie slightly under the pressure. He took the glass once again to his lips, finishing the rest of it before clearing his throat. The light coming from the chandelier was captured by the glass and shot in my direction. It enlightened my face for a brief second before falling again. I frowned at the warmth I had felt. Grabbing my arm, he stood up, forcing me along with him.

“Er,” he stuttered.

            I rolled my eyes and his silence.

“You could say I’m not normal,” I started, “I’m mythical, like your daughter.”

“Not another one, why can’t my kids be normal and date someone who is human, please don’t say you have hair too,” their mom said, “What are my grandchildren going to be like.” 

            Well that was rude. She looked to me for an answer and I opened it to speak but Aaron took the words right out of my mouth.

“She’s a mermaid, you know, with a tail,” he revealed, mimicking a tail with his hand which I snickered at.

            She nodded and we all carried on chatting about various things but when ever the topic of something mythical popped up, his parents would fall silent. I’m not surprised, some on their comments I found highly rude. When it came to the end of the night, they saw us out.

“Well I guess you’re here to stay,” his Mom began, turning to me, “Welcome to the family.”

            She wrapped her thin frail arms around my shoulders and I replied by wrapping my arms around her small waist. We pulled away quickly and she opened her mouth to speak once again.

“We three girls should go baby shopping sometime, you need a mother to tell you what’s best and I would also love to meet your parents,” she said, turning to Emily as well as me.  

“I don’t know to be honest, they’re on a business trip for another seven months and they don’t know I’m pregnant yet,” I answered.

            She laughed to herself slightly, it sounded like one of those fake posh laughs. It echoed off the walls, protecting the house. As we left I noticed the features of the house. It didn’t really have a character; the way it was decorated was to the best standards. From the neatly trimmed hedged to the freshly painted gate, everything had to be perfect which quite frankly, I found a bit snobby. We climbed into Aaron’s car and he waited as Emily approached, ready to start a conversation.

“Thanks for saving me back there,” she began, “Our parents are kind of snobs.”

“Don’t talk about Mom and Dad like that,” Aaron joked.

“Oh shut up!” She yelled back.

            We all laughed about it before we said goodbye and Aaron cruised away. When we drove strait past his house, I frowned, confusion filled my face.

“Where are we going?” I questioned.

“You’ll see.”

            We arrived at our mystery destination and Aaron pulled out a blind fold. He tied it around my head, blocking my sight and I shot him dirty looks the whole time. He lifted me up bridal style and the only thing I could recognise was the distinct smell of sea salt. I decided just to be patient as I waited to arrive at where we were heading. He laid me down somewhere and I stayed still, I knew we were on water, I could feel the ease of the boat on water. Usually, being blindfolded around water would have scared me but not now. 

“Now do you trust me?” Aaron questioned.


“Okay, you’re going to have to swim, don’t worry I’ll hold your hand, I promise I won’t kill you,” he explained.

            I sighed and I felt him drop me in water, well that was subtle. His soft skin reached my own hand and I felt him lead me somewhere, I obliged. We weren’t swimming for long before I could breathe again.

“Okay take your blind fold off,” he announced.

            He assisted me in untying the piece of silk, blocking my sight and when I saw what was in front of me, I was in awe. 

Book 1 of the Love series- Love Has a Price (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now