
969 31 13

Luke's POV

"So, what do you want to do today?" asked Ashton as we stood up from the kitchen table and walked over to the sofa, sitting down side by side with our cups of coffee. It had been a long time since I'd had a warm drink, and I had to admit Ashton had reinvigorated my love for them with just one sip. The coffee tasted amazing, although I probably wouldn't have minded even if it was a cup of crap, as long as it was coffee.

I wrapped both my hands around my mug and took a sip of the steaming liquid in it. "I'm not sure, but you're letting me stay here so you choose."

"How about we go shopping? We can get you some new clothes and maybe some other cool things to make your stay here a little more comfortable."

"My stay? Does that mean you're gonna kick me out soon?"

"Luke, I asked you to come stay with me so I could look after you. I'm not gonna throw you back out on the streets when I've only just taken you in." I let out a small sigh of relief. "Besides, I'm quite enjoying having you here. You give me a break from the maniacs I'm usually stuck with."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at the jokey way he insulted his friends. I knew he loved them but even I knew they were a little loopy, in fact I learned that on my very first day staying with them. Although I was a little freaked out at first at being surrounded by strangers, let alone crazy strangers, but I was gradually getting used to them and they made me smile and laugh. I actually think I'd smiled more within my first few days of staying with the guys than I had in my entire life... yup, that's no lie. Surprising, but true. It was weird, having a huge grin on my face when normally there was no emotion at all, however getting used to it, it was actually quite nice being able to smile again and having a reason to; I had them to thank for that.

"Glad to hear that." Ash and I exchanged smiles, his giving me a weird feeling in my stomach, before we realised the awkwardness between us.

I bit my lip as Ash sighed and stood up. "So, you good to go?"

"Sure but... what am I going to wear?"

"No worries, I'll lend ya some clothes." I nodded and quietly sipped my coffee. I couldn't deny Ashton had great fashion sense from what I'd seen but who knew what he had hidden away in his closet that he would try and push onto me as looking great. Fashion has never been my first point of worry and I've never really been that bothered about it, especially with my typical 'tramp' look that I had going on. I was fine with that, though, because I spent my time in doorways and on street corners; it was obvious to everyone what my situation was. Now I was going to go out to a shopping centre and I was worried that if I just wore my clothes I came in people would think I was some kind of stalker following Ash around trying to rob him or something. Plus... they smelt horrible. It wouldn't be a good experience for anyone. "Follow me to my room and we'll have a look through my wardrobe. You can pick whatever you like from there."

"Seriously?" I was shocked that someone who hardly knew me was doing all of this, no matter how nice I knew he was.

"Yeah!" He took a moment to absorb the shock on my face then proceeded to answer all of my questions. "Look, as long as you live here, you're family, alright? What's mine is yours... not sure if I can speak for Michael and Calum but they seem to like you so I'm sure they'd say the same." He burst out in laughter at the end of his sentence and I laughed along with him, though not as maniacally. I don't think it mattered though, as long as I showed some signs of amusement.

When we gradually quietened down I wasn't really sure what to say, so I responded with a simple, 'okay'.

Smiling, he nodded and turned towards his room, and once I placed my mug on the table I stood up and followed. He began another conversation as we walked but as I trailed behind him his words revolved around my head... in that moment, I finally felt accepted.


Hey guys!

I am soooo sorry this chapter took so long to upload! I could make a ton of excuses but there's really no point, the most important thing is that it's up now and the story does not end here :D

I've been focusing a lot on continuing other stories which means this one hasn't gotten much attention and has kinda been neglected :( but now we're back in business and my focus is completely on Cold!

I am going to get straight to work on the next chapter so I can upload it as soon as possible, but for now I hope you enjoy the update. Again I am very sorry, and thankyou all for being so patient. Y'all are great! :3

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