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Ashton's POV

I was out on a run with my headphones playing Green Day at full blast. I'd been running for about an hour and I was getting tired, but I was determined to run a bit more before I went home and probably pigged out on junk food.

I turned the corner of the last road and when I was about halfway down I saw a rather large man standing and shouting at a doorway. At first I thought he was mental, but boy was I wrong. The man raised his fist for some reason then, out of nowhere, a smaller man came running up to him and started blabbering about something. It seemed like the bigger guy stopped to think for a second, but then he nodded and followed the smaller guy. He turned back to the door and yelled something more before carrying on after his friend. Yet again I thought he was mental, but I carried on jogging down and that's when I saw the boy on the doorstep.

He looked so rough. His hair was flattened and messy, he was covered in dirt and his clothes were all tatty. I could see he was homeless straight away - it wasn't hard to tell. I could also see he was freezing his balls off. His lips were turning blue and so were the tips of his fingers, and he was shivering so much I was sure his insides were frozen too.

I felt so bad for him. I hate knowing there's people stuck out in the freezing cold whilst I'm all tucked up in my warm bed with a cup of steaming hot chocolate beside me. I want to help them, I want to help him...

I suddenly came up with an idea but before my mind even got a chance to process it, I held out my hand and words started tumbling out of my mouth. "C'mon, get up."

"Why?" He asked without hesitation, tilting his head slightly.

Words came tumbling out yet again. "I'm taking you back to my place. You can't stay out here." He quickly snatched his hand away from mine as I spoke my last sentence.

"I don't even know you. I can't just go back to some random stranger's house."

He scowled at me, but I shook it off. I wasn't about to give up.

"My name is Ashton Irwin. I'm 19 years old and I live at 28 Cherry Tree Lane." He looked bored while I was speaking, but his eyes suddenly lit up when I mentioned Cherry Tree Lane. I wonder if he knows the place... "Not much of a stranger anymore. Now come on."

He looked apprehensive about taking my hand, looking around anywhere but at me. This guy sure doesn't like accepting help from people. Oh well, I am still not going to give up.

I spoke more forcefully, putting my hand out again. "Come with me." I'm sure he could tell by the look on my face that I was being serious, because I was.

I waited a while for his reaction and I thought I was going to have to stick my hand in his face again, but thankfully he sighed and got up out of the doorway. Well, I think I won.

Smiling a little in victory, I watched him as he started to gather up his things and I tried to help him, but he snatched his things away. I guess he doesn't like people touching his stuff either. When everything was packed away (which only took about a minute), we started towards my house.



Soooo, I'm on holiday until Friday so I'm not sure when I'll update, but I hope you'll like this chapter

Merci for the reads, votes and comments (;

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