The End Of A New Beginning

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"Here's to being patient but the time is finally here. Losings not an option victory is way to near."

- Boola feat Skye Townsend

Evangeline POV

"Evangeline, baby get up! You don't want to be late for your own graduation now do you Miss Valedictorian." My mother yelled through the door.

"God mother I was dreaming about Joseph Morgan. He was being all bad ass like his character Klaus!" I was whining as she walked away replying "Breakfast is on the table. Oh, and that show is just weird!"

I jumped out of bed, showered, curled my hair down my back and did my make- up. I usually only used eyeliner, mascara, and colored lip gloss but today was a special occasion. I am valedictorian after all. Though I didn't have to try hard at all because I remembered everything I was told or read! You would think I would be happy right? Wrong! Unfortunately, for me school is boring for that very reason. My mother always said it was that part of witch blood I got from her.

Let me explain, technically I'm a mixed breed or commonly used hybrid. Half witch and half werewolf but I couldn't shift. No one knows why I can't but the fact my wolf genes could be dormant. We lived with my dad's pack because he was third in command and the top fighter in our region. Because of that fact the pack showed me nothing but respect. At least to my face because I've heard them call me pathetic or a bitter disappointment. They believe I didn't inherit any traits from my mother or father. They believed me to be practically human with a little strength and kick ass fighting skills.

Now, back to the fact it's graduation day and I'm so excited. Sliding on my violet purple form fitting dress with matching golden accessories and sparkly gold shoes from shoe dazzle I glanced in the mirror and smiled to myself. It took so long to be comfortable in my own skin with being a dark skinned female. I could now see what everyone else could the great figure beautiful smile and long legs that were killer.

Adding curls to my hair only to brush them loose I was satisfied. I headed out the house first grabbing toast and yogurt.

Graduation had been long. Luckily for me I had my iPhone to entertain me through all the boring speeches. Though I'd like to think my speech was epic. After the presentation of diplomas I took pictures and my family and I headed to dinner with my best friend Madison and her family. When that was over were going to Club Toxic to turn up as celebration.

"What's wrong Van?" Madison asked as we were seated at the restaurant.

"Oh, nothing I just feel a little weird. Don't worry its probably nothing!" I waved off but I was still unsure if that was the case. I felt uneasy.

"Cheer up then girl! Daniel had an alpha meeting so we only have tonight! Believe me when I say it took a lot of convincing to get him to let me out so soon after we've finished the mating and unprotected at that." She stated.

"Lucky you!" I stated bitterly.

"You'll find a male witch or werewolf who'll see beyond the faults of your lacking superhuman abilities. Van your a catch and such an amazing person. You have the strongest and the purest aura I have felt." she replied tearing up and rubbing my shoulder in comfort. Madison could feel a persons aura and emotions and whenever we talked about mates or bond mates(witch mates) she would get emotional. I think it was because she felt the pain I tried to hide. I would always pretend that it was okay when everyone found theirs at 16 and I didn't!

Our families had watched the whole exchange and watched the bond between true best friends with love, pride, and adoration. It made me cry a little that I had people who cared so much about me though they thought I was practically human. It hurts to hide my secrets from them. One day I'll be able to share them hopefully.

Dinner had been a nice family affair and now it's time to party! Madison was meeting me at my house and then we were going off to Club Toxic. When I got home I freshened up and then touched up my make-up. The minute Madison arrived we were off to the club to get turnt up.


It was packed tight in the club and there was alot of familiar and unfamiliar faces! Madison screamed something over the music about shots and before I knew it we were at the bar tossing back Tequila shots.

An hour had passed and I was already stumbling drunk and sloppy dancing all around the dance floor. All I wanted was to dance so I knew all that Tequila was definitely taking effect! I made sure Madison and I stayed close to each other and danced like there wasn't a tomorrow to see. I was so happy and then I felt a strong vibration hum through my body. I knew then that someone strong and with alot of  authority had entered the club. As I spun around I noticed that authority coming off a Sex God standing next to Madison's mate. He oozed powerful bad boy and let me tell you I almost ruined my panties just feeling his authority! It was turning on all unmated and human women!

I decided I needed a strong shot and headed to the bar ordering a series of Tequila shots. I downed them and headed off to the dance floor stumbling a lot! I started giggling because I was past my limit and I felt great! I somehow ended up with another drink and just as I raised it to my lips Madison grabbed my arm.

"Slow down Van your going to be totally fucked up!" She stated worriedly.

"Good! Because I'm trying to get totally shit faced!" I slurred out and snatch my arm and took a long sip from the cup. I really didn't understand why I needed to be so drunk. I finished my cup deciding that was enough and went back to the dance floor.

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