Tears Of A Broken Heart

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You are the sweetest Cabernet, I've ever tasted.

I could get faded off your kiss.

Your touch is my merlot.

Boy you just don't know, How I've longed for this.

Red Wine- Skye Townsend


It has been a month since I've moved into the pack house with Gaberiel and his pack. I would like to say everything is rainbows and butterflies but not everyone is happy to have a hybrid wolf witch as a luna. I've spent the entire month trying to convince the pack that I'm good enough and strong enough to protect them. Honestly, I'm not to sure that I am myself because I've never expected to get a mate. I had expected to train as a female warrior in my old pack alongside my father after graduation.I hadn't told daddy that but those were my plans. But then here comes a alpha who chooses me as a mate. A wolf who can't shift and witch who can't use her specialty magic. But as time went by the pack had began to respect me as their Luna and I'm happy about it.

I haven't had any more visions and I'm lucky for it because I always feel weird afterwards. I would like to say that Gabe has been loving but he's been a complete psycho. He never lets me leave the house without at least two guards and it's honestly annoying. Especially when I am trying to meditate. There is a cliff waterfall that I like to meditate by and it helps me keep calm. I could feel the presence of the guards about 100 feet away from me just watching me.

I had reached a peaceful point and felt I had meditated enough for the day and as I chose to stand I was dragged into a vision...

.... "Don't cry young one this will only hurt for a short time." As the shadowed figure smiled I watched as he raised a curved blade the size of a machete into the air and swiped it across my stomach I screeched out. "Stay still whore I have one more incision to make". I couldn't move my arms or legs as I watch this brutally cut into my mid-section again. I felt his fingers pull out my intestines and and everything else to reach his destination. I finally understood what was happening in the vision when I seen a baby's head emerge from my body.

"NOOOOO! Please? Please don't take my baby! I'll do it! I'll do whatever you want please give him to me!" I cried out in a panic. I watched in horror as the shadowed figure grabbed the baby and slung him into a nearby wall. "YOU'LL DO WHAT I WANT REGARDLESS OF THAT PATHETIC CHILD!" I watched screaming out and crying as my baby lay screaming in a heap on the floor.


Evangeline! Evangeline! Van please wake up baby! I heard Gaberiel in the distance. When I came back from the vision I immediately started screaming and crying. It was vision of the future and my visions always come true one way or another. That was going to happen to me and I would be useless to stop that evil sack of shit from hurting my child.. My baby. Mine. I don't know how long I was in Gabe arms crying but I do know I cried myself to sleep.

When I awoke I was laying in our bed tucked underneath the covers. I pushed the covers off of me just in time to see Gaberiel coming into the room with a tray of what looked to be breakfast. I watched him sit the tray onto my lap then kiss me on the forehead before he headed into the bathroom. I looked down to the food at the same moment he turned on the shower.

I sat quietly eating the breakfast he so kindly brought up to me. I didn't have much of an appetite but i forced myself to eat half of everything that was given to me. While thinking about the vision I had. I have never had a vision to violent and brutal in my life. It was as if I was going through right then. It felt real... I felt everything as if I was there in the present time. I will never let that vision come true and I will do everything I can to make sure it doesn't. I swear it on everything I love and hate.

My thoughts were interrupted by Gabe walking out of the bathroom and into his closet. I knew he would want to know what my vision was about but I'm not so sure that I can actually say what I seen in that vision aloud. I watched him come back into to the room in a pair of fresh jeans and a t-shirt. He climbed onto the bed placing the tray of food on the nightstand and pulling me into his lap. I then realized I was only in his t-shirt.

"Van please tell me what that vision was about. You were sobbing out and wouldn't let anyone come near you but me. I was terrified and you were sobbing out and crying for nearly 8 hours and you wouldn't let anyone near you. The pack doctor, your two guards , Jackson and Jacob were all electrocuted if the came within 50 feet of you. Your wolf was in distress and howling out into our bond for help and I tore the entire clinic apart because I couldn't get you from that vision. I didn't know what to do but to hold you in my arms until you awoke."  He looked me in my eyes and pleaded for me to tell him. To let him in so I did.

I grabbed a hold of his hand and showed him every part of the vision I had seen. I let him feel every emotion I felt and all of the details I couldn't stop from seeing when I first seen it. I know I should have just told him about it. It would have been an easier thing to deal with but a sick and demented part of me wanted him to feel all the pain and heartache I had when I was forced to watch this vision.

When the vision ended I raised my eyes from our hands to look him in the eyes to see that he too was crying silent tears. The look in his eyes was all the emotions  I was feeling also... Lost, hurt, angry, and hopeless. He knew! I could tell the moment it clicked in his mind the previous conversation we had about my visions. He knew that my visions always came true... Always.

His wolf roar made me almost jump out of my skin. He leaped from the bed and howled out again and again and again until he shifted into the largest pitch black wolf I have ever seen. He look me into the eyes and threw his head back and howled out a sorrow filled howl before he plopped the floor in whimpers.

I reluctantly walked up to the wolf and layed on the side of him.

"I'll die before I let anyone hold me captive and rip my pup from stomach to kill it. I'll die first and take anyone who dare try down with me." I whispered out forcefully through tears.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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