Chapter 1

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"Calvin it was one of my fans. We took a picture and I gave him a hug. That's it."

He started walking closer to me and I backed away slightly.

"Stop lying to me know I hate it when you lie."

"I'm not l-"

He slapped me and my hand went up to hold my throbbing cheek as tears started streaming down my face.

"I- I wasn't lying..."

He pushed me until I felt my back against the wall. I tried to escape but he had a tight grip on my wrists.

"Come here sweetheart...I'm not going to hurt you."

I shook my head and more tears flowed down my cheeks. He frowned and I felt his grip around my wrist tighten.

"C-'re h- hurting me."

I cried out in pain but he wasn't giving in. Instead he pulled my towards him and held my hands above my head against the wall.

"Don't cry baby I'll make you feel better."

He started kissing me and I struggled to get out of his grip. Then he started to use his free hand to pull my body closer to his.

"Calvin p-please stop..."

He shushed me and started to unzip my dress. I started to cry harder and he slapped me. Hard.

"I love you so much Taylor..."

Hearing that made me sick. He successfully removed my dress and I tried to escape again but I wasn't strong enough. I felt his free hand go to the back of my bra. I looked him in the eye and pleaded him to stop.

"Calvin p- please I'm b- begging you...please s-stop.."

He smirked and moved his lips to my ear and I could feel him breathe.

"I know you want to."

He unclasped my bra and threw it to one side. I cried so hard it was getting harder to breathe. Calvin wasted no time getting my underwear off and he pulled down his jeans and boxers.


I sobbed but Calvin didn't budge. He forced himself upon me and I cried out in pain.

"Shut up bitch."

I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood. After what felt like forever, he was finally done and wore back his jeans. I slid down to the floor and curled up into a ball crying my eyes out. Sometimes I ask myself what did I do to deserve treatment like this...I never get an answer.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself... my name's Taylor. Calvin's my boyfriend.. I was forced to be with him by my management. No they don't know that he abuses me. No one does. Not even my family. I cover my cuts and bruises using makeup. It's funny how a smile can hide so many secrets. My management broke Harry and I up a few years ago. They said dating Harry only attracted negative attention. We haven't seen each other since then. I just wish one day...I get to see him again. I still love him, but maybe...he doesn't feel the same way anymore.

Hey guys so I hope y'all are liking this story so far :'D Remember to vote & comment💞
-Megan xx

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