Chapter 34

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3 days later


"Harry I don't like to watch football...I don't even know how the game works. Isn't it just 20 men chasing a football?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"Babe there's 22 players."

"See? I told you I know nothing about football."

I pouted and leaned on Harry's shoulder. We were laying on the couch since 6pm. It's currently 7.30pm...I've been siting here for one and a half hours now. Why does a football match last that long? Jeez...I almost fell asleep a couple of times already. Just as my eyes started to close slowly, Harry screamed out in excitement, making me jolt up from my seat.


"I was about to sleep..."

I groaned and hid my face into Harry's arm. He chuckled and used his thumb to caress the back of my hand.

"Sorry really don't like football don't you..."

"Oh no I looove fact I love it so much I fell asleep watching it."

I sarcastically mumbled with my head still buried into his arm. He used his arm to nudge me a little and I looked up at him.


I asked while pushing my glasses up. Those big nerdy glasses. Speaking about glasses, I hate them. But I'm blind without contacts so might as well put them on. I tried reading the words on the back of a shampoo bottle once to see if I really was blind without contacts. It turns out I was, and still is.

"Since the football match's over, you get to choose what we'll watch now..."

I smiled as Harry reached over to grab the remote control. He threw the control at me and it hit my face before dropping to the ground.


I laughed, rubbing the part where the remote landed on. Harry laughed and bent down to get the remote control. This time, he passed it to me properly and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Sorry babe..."

He laughed again and I swatted his arm lightly.

"You say sorry to me then start laughing...what is this?"

I laughed and shook my head before changing the channels to see what they were showing at this time.

"I love love me...we're a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't y-"

I changed the channel as the Barney theme song appeared on the screen.

"Hey...I was watching that."

Harry said and I laughed.

"You were?"

"Yea...Barney's my childhood!"

"Well too bad...We're not watching that cuz it's my turn to choose the channel."

"God dammit...I hope you don't find some kind of cat show or something."

I heard Harry muttered under his breath and I chuckled. Returning my attention to the television, I clicked the button and it brought me to the news channel.

"Adam Richard Wiles also known as Calvin Harris has been found dead yesterday at around 11am."

I frowned and turned the volume up.

"H- Harry...oh my god..."

I got his attention and he sat up straighter, paying attention to what the reporter was saying.

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