Chapter 15

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"Taylor this is Mr Rivera. He's gonna help us fight the case with Calvin."

I stepped forward to shake his hand.

"You must be Ms Swift."

I nodded and he smiled.

"Don't worry...we have a high chance of wining this case."

"Thank you."

I said softly and Harry motioned for us to sit around the dining table. My lawyer took some papers out and spread it out on the table. It was pictures of my cuts and bruises. Suddenly I felt self conscious of my own body. My eyes stared at the pictures then at my own bruised skin. I guess Harry noticed because he held my hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze. I looked at him and smiled slightly.

"So I got these from the police yesterday. Those were really caused by Calvin?"

I nodded and he kept the photos back into his bag. Then took another stack of papers out. We talked more about some serious shit and then he told me to sign on the bottom of the papers.

"The court date is June 13."

"We'll be there. Thank you Mr Rivera."

Harry said and stood up to shake his hand. I did the same and then he left. Harry had a meeting to go to so I was left home alone...again.

"Breaking news! Harry styles and Taylor swift seem to be dating. They were seen multiple times hanging out. Are they really getting back together? Is Tayvin over? Maybe Taylor is going to write another break up song about Calvin. Should Taylor even be dating her ex lover-"

I sighed and turned the tv off. Tears were threatening to flow out but I held them in. I can't be that weak. I can't let everyone trample over me like I'm nothing. But thinking more about what everybody was saying, I felt myself slowly believing that I was the person they said I was. My wrists started to get irritated. I needed a release. I need to cut.

No Taylor. You promised Harry.

"You're right...I shouldn't-"

But then a heard another voice in my head.

Taylor. You're a slut. Falling back in love with your ex. Dumping Calvin...did you even think about how he would feel?

"B- but he hurts me..."

Maybe he was about to change. But you were too selfish to give him another chance. Just let yourself do what your heart desires. Cut.

"No. Please stop."

My hands covered my ears as the voices got louder and louder. I started to sob. Was I selfish to not give Calvin a chance? Maybe I shouldn't be with Harry. But I love Harry.

My body was shaking and I was trying my best not to get up and go to the bathroom to cut.

"I made a promise...I can't break it...stop...stop!"

I pressed my hands harder towards my ears. The whispers turned to talking and talking turned to screams. ( A/N: Hohoho see what I did there //slapped// )


I cried out in desperation and soon the voices stopped. My body stopped shaking and I wiped my tears away.

"Should I give Calvin a second chance?"

I mumbled to myself. Looking at my phone I saw that someone had texted me.

Hey Taybear...I miss you❤️

I smiled as I read his text.

Hey Haz I miss you too...what time are you coming home?

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