Chapter 2. Bad Day

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I awake in my room. My head aches. My stomach growls. The bed screeches when I try to turn over. The curtains are already draped. My eyes can't bare to look at the strong shining light coming from the window above my bed. I feel intense aches all over my body. I try to stretch my memory but I can't remember anything. The last thing I reckon is getting into the party with Ash.

"Ash-" I gasp out loud and painfully sit up straining my eyes to see her bed. But she's not there!. My phone buzzes and I search for it from under my pillow until I can feel it. I pull it out and as I expected its "DAD'' I send him to voicemail and lay back down for a few more minutes.

The door squeals and my eyes autonomic-ally flash open. I make no movement and I turn my eyes to the door where I vaguely see a sketchy figure of a tall slim brunette figure drawing closer to me. I immediately shut my eyes and pretend to sleep. I feel her hands touch me and she roughly shakes me to reality.

"Ash!" I hiss. Acting like she woke me up from the perfect dream or something .

"Your behind schedule. You missed Orientation."

"Shit!" I hope it wont affect my grades. " What will they do to me? Am I in trouble? How was it? Gimme all your notes!"

She practically burst into laughter and some of her slimish liquid - saliva escapes from her mouth landing onto my face. I get agitated and with great effort try to scrub it off my face with my bare hands. She doesn't mind.

"Ana who seriously goes for Orientation week? It's a week of having fun and getting to know people.  and stuff! " she exclaims the stuff .

"Oh!" I roll my eyes and sit up.

"So how was the party?"

"I don't.. remember a thing''

"Nothing?'' she widens her eyes like an eagle does to its prey

"Yeah!.. That's a good thing right?''

''Yeah totally.'' she stands up to head back to her bed.

I notice she's hiding something but I can't straight away ask her because we haven't got to that level yet. ''So Ash..." I casually start ''You had fun?''

''Yes actually with my boy f before he started wandering about''

''boy f?'' I hesitantly speak.

''Yeah. You probably don't know him but he's a senior. Tall.  Blue eyes. Wavy hair. Full pink lips. Well built body. Hot'' she says dreamily

''I definitely don't know anyone that perfect. Are you sure your not making that up?'' I look at her as I head for the bathroom.

She shouts at me'' Trust me when you see him you'll believe.''

'' Can't wait" I scream back before turning on the loud warm refreshing shower.


After lots of stupid talk where I got to know Ash is actually a Fresher too but knows almost everyone because of her brother who was here last year and him too was hot and adored by lots of girls.She showed me a picture and I guess it just runs in their blood. Am a little jealous of her perfect life. Rich parents. Perfect brother. Cool car. Hot boyfriend though yet to approve . A Roomie like me.. I giggle at that thought and try not to look insane.

Ash led me downstairs to get some lunch. We sat at one of the booths and she ordered for me A pack of Fries and Fish fingers after a severe argument about the foodstuffs on the menu. She insisted I have the Crabs but since it was her treat and I didn't want to seem like such a bitch I went for something a lot cheaper.But she wouldn't agree. Eventually, I won. She took a bowl of Mushroom soup! Weird. As I greedily choked down on my Fries and sucked at the glass of delicious lemonade impatiently, I saw a tall 6'5 Well built - seriously hot guy walking our direction. I stopped and tapped Ash.

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