Chapter 1. Illusion

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#Am not sure If you'll like it but don't forget to leave a comment to tell me what you did and didn't like. Have fun but be Cautious...


"Yes Dad am Fine. Still alive here!" I growl on the phone ending the call. This is the Fourth time my dad has called me since he dropped me off at Lavender College twenty minutes ago and I still haven't found my room yet. He is the reason I arrived late. He couldn't let me go. I check my phone and its 6:30 pm already.

"Aghhh"I think out loud. I feel aggravated.I have to find my room and freshen up but Am too busy admiring the fine brick classy texture of the walls, the indefinable systematic design of the building and the swishing cool air roaming through the space reminding me the sweet sensation of living without a watchman.

I sigh looking at the card in my left hand that reads 19. I look around to maybe cease a clue as to where I'll find my room and there it is.. A large white noticeboard with arrows and numbers almost like a signpost treating me to my next destination. I walk up to it and sketch for my number surprisingly there is like only two people at it. Hmm.. Curious.
Not jumping to conclusions, I continue to mind my business-it's on the third floor and blah blah blah yeah. I tuck my blue iPhone and the card into my blue jeans front pocket and pull at my enormous luggage beginning the staircase.

With no help I finally reach the room marked 19. My palms are sweaty from all the lifting so all my bags drop to the the floor and my hands seem to be relieved.
I knock at the door with all due respect but since there's no answer I get out my key card and unlock the door.

A little squeak as I gently open and am starstruck by what I see. The room is bigger than I imagined; very properly organized with two seemingly comfortable beds. I grab my luggage from the floor one by one placing it into the floor with not much care. I rush to the bed in the right hand corner just below the window opposite the bathroom door i believe and throw myself on it, laying facing the roof in calm. My phone buzzes and I ignore it.

I close my eyes for what I think is five seconds before I hear the drag push of the bathroom door and a 5'6 tall slim eye-catching brunette wrapped in a white towel comes out dripping wet. You could say she was snatched from one of the Victoria Secret Angels. She snares at me before giving me a slight grin and she calmly says "Hello" and goes to her bed on the left hand corner exactly facing me.
I manage to squeal back a Hello since am not to good with social relations and sit up staring at her like a total fool.
She laughs after some minutes and only then do I realize my firm gaze at her stunning face.

"Don't tell me your one of those weird lesbian freaks" she says and turns away from me.
I hesitate but after digesting the sentence I realize and practically scream "Eeeew No Never" I then lie "I actually have a boyfriend" my inner devil practically throws up at me. That was a terrible lie.. I've never gotten close enough to any boy well because of my dads super protection.

I continue to blabber without a stop "My name is Anabellalisadraine but you can call me Ana. I'm from Hamilton High School in California and am a Fresher. New to the place actually but I just wanna you know have some fun and but not with you in that ah I mean like in the school and staff with the boys and uh-mm take risks if - "

Her unexpected laughter cuts me off and she calmly says in her soothing voice
"Well Ana if you wanna have some fun you can stick with me. My name is Ashley bee-tee-dabs but people call me Ash. Oh! and am going for a party actually wanna come it'll be fun"

"Party! on the first day of school?" As in seriously this is gonna get some getting used to.
"Well sure" I complete

"But you cant go dressed like that?"

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