Chapter 5

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"So who is that?"

Two weeks has passed since I have met my new best friend Dinah Jane. Lately, I have been showing her around the school and helping her get used to the schedule and how everything is done around here.

Right now, she's pointing at people in the cafeteria and asking all these questions about them. It's actually pretty fun. Like I have said before, being in the background and not really talking to anyone I get to hear what goes on around the school and everyone's business.

"That is Brad Simpson," I told her about the boy she was pointing at. "He's in our grade, and he's the goalie on the soccer team."

"He seems like a wimp," Dinah commented. "And where's his top lip at?"

I bursted out laughing, people turned their heads in our direction so I covered my face with my hands.

"Dinah!" I smacked her arm. "That was mean!"

"You're the one who laughed!"

I just rolled my eyes still laughing quietly. This went on for some time, and my side began to hurt from laughing at Dinah's jokes. But once she pointed at the one girl I just couldn't stand I didn't want to play this game anymore.

"What's her name?"

I didn't answer her question, it just came to me as a whisper as I zoned in on the green eyed girl I hadn't seen in weeks. I don't know what it is about Lauren that just draws me in and makes me want to know more about her and why she hasn't been at school in so long, but at the same time I hate that she makes me so curious about her. I just watch her from afar, she looked good today. She looked beautiful honestly, wearing a long sleeve black and white plaid shirt and dark jeans, her hair was in its natural long waves. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her perfect pale face, but once those green eyes met mine I looked away, and for some unknown reason my heart started pounding against my chest.

"Whoa," Dinah smacked my arm. "What the hell was that? Why was that hottie just staring at you?!"

"Hottie?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Well yeah, look at her! She's fine as hell! And she was lookin at you like she wants you! Do you want to explain?!"

I felt my whole entire face heat up, oh god. No no no. My eyes drifted back over to the green eyed girl across the room, but she wasn't looking at me (thank god) but she did had have smirk on her face that just annoyed me.

"Her name is Lauren Jauregui," I told Dinah.

Dinah gasped, "Oh my god! I know her! Well I don't know know her but I have heard all those rumors about a girl named Lauren Jauregui but I've never seen her before until now, and I gotta say dayuum."

I didn't really say anything in response to Dinah. I just sat there thinking about Lauren and why she hasn't shown up to school.... and to the library. Her books are way overdue.

"Mila," Dinah said loudly. I turned my attention to her. "How do you know her?"

I sighed, "She came into the library twice when I was there, and we have first hour together."

"The looks she's giving you right now, seems more than that, girl."

As much as I wanted to, I didn't look over. I didn't want to be apart of the whole 'Lauren Jauregui Experience' I'm pretty sure the only reason Lauren has given me the slightest of attention is because she wants to have sex with me. She wants to have sex with everyone, so I'm nobody special. And I guess that's the reason I'm so bummed. But then again do I really even want to become anything more than an acquaintance with Lauren?

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